Isaiah Rashad

Songtext Heavenly father Isaiah Rashad


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Heavenly father

Now everybody telling me a lie
Lordie, give me something for my soul
See, I don't wanna think of suicide
So please don't take the luck yet out my dough
See, I been tired of fucking all these girls
And I been tired of spending all my dough
And if I get my story to the world
I wonder if they'd book me for a show
See, you can't handle pressure on your own
So why you carry boulders by yourself?
They stole the story, they tell it wrong
And glorify the horror and the rough
And mama call me, tell me coming home
And I just need some guidance in my steps
I know I'm not the only one alone
I know I'm not the only one who felt

Heavenly Father, why are you so far away?
Heavenly Father, why are you so far away?
Heavenly Father, why are you so far away?
Heavenly Father, why are you so far away?

Now I'm praying that I make it 25
Baby, call a doctor for my health
I know it's kinda hard to say the drugs
'Cause I been having problems with myself
And I been asking questions, where the Lord?
And they don't give me answers, just a check
And they don't know my issues as a child
'Cause I was busy cutting on myself
We're hanging from the playground when in Rome
Until you got a rope up on your neck
And I been losing more than just my mind
And gathering enough of self-respect
And daddy, why you call me while you drunk?
And why you never love me when I need it?
And I don't wanna be like you no more
And I been tryna cope, I'm getting real

Heavenly Father, why are you so far away?
Heavenly Father, why are you so far away?
Heavenly Father, why are you so far away?
Heavenly Father, why are you so far away?

I smoke too much, the problems of a 20 something
I drink too often, there's liquor pouring from the faucet
You would assume by following the tunes
That I'm doomed to die young, addicted to dry plum
These bitches ain't shit and pussy is my greatest vice
I love smoking weed, I hate advice
I know some niggas that talk good
The wise men from a long line of bitch made and bridesmen
You never had nothing but fucking dreams
You just caught up in the hype
The fashion and so it seems the limelight
I know that I rhyme tight
No need for your two cents and burning your blueprints
These people think I really give a fuck about the shit they give a fuck about
Just need a moment of silence, just close your fucking mouth
Infatuated with violence, gun in my fucking mouth
So you don't even know that I'm serious, know what I'm talking 'bout
So like you got punchlines for days
So generic your flow, you're too cold, you're aged
And I punch lines for days
So generic your flow, you're too cold, you're aged
And I'm so misrepresented by niggas that claim trill
And they souls was never in it
And I'm so misrepresented by niggas that claim trill
They souls was never in it

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