
Songtext Havoc $not


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Der musikalische text HAVOC von $NOT ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Beautiful havoc (2020)

Beautiful havoc



So you put your hand right here
And you hold it right there
Okay, drumroll, please
You ready? Okay

Put him in a body bag (Yuh), that's magic (Yuh)
Yeah, I like a thick bitch (Bitch), that's plastic (Yuh)
Buy her all the clothes for the matching fabrics (Ayy)
Let me teach you how to tote (Huh?) an automatic (Yuh)
Shoot everybody up in this function for practice (Yuh)
I like a smart bitch, on her book with glasses (Ayy)
Ruling my world, causing all of the havoc (Shit, what?)
She wanna have it, guess she think I'm romantic (Uh-huh)

I can't stand it, grab a Uzi with clips (Yuh)
And leave his body stranded (Haha), four-wheeler (Four-wheeler)
Run him over and over 'til you see his neck slanted (What?)
I'm in a phantom, ridin' 'round, I just landed (Damn)
Blood on my jeans, blood on my shirt
I use that shit as a canvas (Uh-huh) because it hurts (What?)
Watch where you step 'cause my hands, they don't want you murked
And I don't wanna come in last, I wanna come in first
I smoke a torch straight out of the Olympics
You wanna be the best? Well, come and listen
Is that your bitch taggin' me all in her mentions? (Uh-huh)
She want attention and I can't give in (Nah, haha)
Why you mad for? (Why?)
People rockin' with me, nigga (Uh-huh)
And your grandma, don't forget your auntie, listen (Listen)
Playin' all my music while you lookin' stupid (Okay, drumroll, please, stupid)

Put him in a body bag (Yuh), that's magic (Yuh)
Yeah, I like a thick bitch (Bitch), that's plastic (Yuh)
Buy her all the clothes for the matching fabrics (Ayy)
Let me teach you how to tote (Huh?) an automatic (Yuh)
Shoot everybody up in this function for practice (Yuh)
I like a smart bitch, on her book with glasses
Ruling my world, causing all of the havoc (Shit, what?)
She wanna have it, guess she think I'm romantic (Uh-huh)

Put him in a body bag (Yuh), that's magic
Yeah, I like a thick bitch (Bitch), that's plastic (Yuh)
Buy her all the clothes for the matching fabrics (Ayy)
Let me teach you how to tote (Huh?) an automatic (Yuh)

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