The Saturdays

Songtext Harvey dent The Saturdays


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Harvey dent

This Tech N9ne baby
And I don't do just one thing
I'm everything
If I did one thing
All y'all would agree
But you don't.

So you want me do some madness
Y'all want the crazy shit
But I just wanna kick it sometimes
Drink some Caribou Lou and KC Tea

They want madness
Anghellic and sadness
Fans relish when gladness is damned
Devilish and ashes

But I like this cash
This massive magazine ad
Gets crackin
Attractive chicks passin
Is rap and actresses never asses

They want the clown
The paint and the evil frown
The drinkin, the needle now
The taint and no feeble sounds

But I need your pounds, your pesos
Your people down with this label
And I be so bound for that halo when I be low ground?

They want that black magic
That savage with bad habits
Grab at and stab rabbits
The maggot that has cabbage

But I'm at that fast status
With swagger that's past average
My glasses and rag matches
Don't mean flag and it's no blast added

They say bizarre he went
They love him and dark he vents
Popin the chart
He sent naughty shit to everybody's tent

I wanna be at the party bent
Listenin to Parliament
Sorry this part of me's a gnarly gent
They call me

Harvey Dent

People be
Talkin bout
This an that
Sayin it

And I hear
Can I get
Back what I
Started with

Want me, want my old shit, buy my, buy my old albums
Want my old shit, buy my, buy my old albums

Harvey Dent

They want the demon
The animal that spread the semen
The cannibal
Sign of the heathen
Who's eatin meat 'n no vegan

But I get my fees
And I'm reachin for the decent skis
And a piece of the be frequent beats
And the freak and be hit the cheesing

They want the dark knight
They want a bar fight
Hard bites
Art is the smartest thing
In this scarred life

Women that's our vice
They starin at our ice
Matter what's at the tar lights?
But I hittin the car twice

They want that killer clown
They want the milla sound
Gorilla that pill ya for scrilla
But I hold the villa down

I'm chinchilla now
With maxzilla I tap chillas
You rap niggas you hate
But it's still a crown

Just call me two face
On the right side I got healthy pearly whites
On the left side I got a tooth ache

I'm Asmodeus but then I'm Master Farah?
Black people think I'm a devil
White people think I'm a God

People be
Talkin bout
This an that
Sayin it

And I hear
Can I get
Back what I
Started with

Want me, want my old shit, buy my, buy my old albums
Want my old shit, buy my, buy my old albums

Harvey Dent

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