
Songtext Happy birthday Tyga


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Happy birthday

Hoo, think I'm worried 'bout a rumor?
Wow I got a big crib, how many rooms here?
I forgot I ain't seen the other side since I bought that motherfucker wait
It's a shame, a lame is all you ever be
A lame is all you ever be
Came off a peanut butter jelly
Now you tellin' me, all I get is jealousy
Aye happy birthday you look surprise
"I'mma" gift bitch right before your eyes
I do this all time bitch, why you look surprise?
You look thirsty my wrist look like Sprite
Happy birthday, today my day
I make a wish, I blow the cake
Hoo, you think I'm scare of a diss?
Aye, I think you scare to get rich
Thursday to thursday I'm on my shift
I'm on my job like these hoes on my dick
Wow! You start the day off by talkin' bout me

Everyday my birthday, you still ain't got me none?

Yeah I do this all the time!
Aye happy birthday bitch you look surprise
I told her happy birthday bitch you look surprise
I do this all the time yeah I do this all the time
And you gettin' crossed out if you ever cross the line
These bitches gon' strip and drop it down
And ask them bitches who poppin' now
Yeah ask them bitches who gon' stop me now uh

Hoo, think I'm worried 'bout a rumor?
Wow you still stand with a roomie
Aye, yeah I forgot!
You too busy talkin' bout it instead of gettin to it, wait
It's a shame, a lame is all you ever be
Man, a lame is all you ever be
Game, got the whole set reppin' me
My name T-Rawwwww
Yeah I'm raw like I said I be
Aye happy birthday you look surprise
I got my bread in the oven, watch it rise
I do this all time why you look surprise?
I never hit the books, but your boy bookin' flights aye
Happy birthday, today my day
I make a wish, I blow the cake
Hoo, think I'm worried bout a scandal?
Aye, you put me on every channel

Gave you a sample, it's part two
Part Hennessy, part fuel
All I want for my birthday is more fire
More Twelve Juice, more designer
Young Halle Berry's in my theater room reclinin
Fuck they talkin' bout, you know you can't deny it
I'm on a wave, I just left the islands
It's a gangsta party all the hoes invited

Yeah I do this all the time
Aye happy birthday bitch you look surprise
I told her happy birthday bitch you look surprise
I do this all the time yeah I do this all the time
And you gettin' crossed out if you ever cross the line
These bitches gon' strip and drop it down
And ask them b*tches who poppin' now
Yeah ask them b*tches who gon' stop me now uh

Happy birthday, today my day
I make a wish, I blow the cake
Happy birthday, today my day
I make a wish, I blow the cake
Happy birthday, today my day
I make a wish, I blow the cake
Happy birthday, today my day
I make a wish, I blow the cake

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