Tori Amos

Songtext Happnies is a warm gun Tori Amos


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Happnies is a warm gun

John Lennon was shot here, at the entrance to the Dakota building.
Lennon was shot four times with a 38 caliber gun,
In what seems to be a totally senseless killing.

The second amendment gives the right of the people to keep and bear arms.
This is a dispute which is going on in America now.
We should work diligently to keep this second amendment in place,
For any individual with responsibility-
Let me repeat again, responsibility and boundaries of those who are priviledged,
To be a part of all of these twenty-seven amendments,
Of the Consititution of the United States of America,
Plus the Declaration of Independance.

I believe that uh, people who are gonna commit crimes shouldn't have guns.

I guess my reaction is the same as every other father's, every other grandfather's.
My heart goes out to the people- to the victims.
Because I don't understand how kids can be out there, they're out making bombs,
And, and uh, and uh, families being totally unaware of it-
With this culture going on. And I'm as troubled by it as anybody else,
And I don't know any answers.

Happiness is a warm gun, happiness is a warm gun, Mama.
Happiness is a warm gun, oh, Mama.
Mother Superior jump the gun. Mother Superior jump the a-gun-ahuha...
Mother Superior a-jump the gun. Mother Superior jump the a-gun, the gun, gun a-da-da.
Mother Superior jump the- a-gun.
I said, Mother Superior jump the a-gun, I said, I'm gonna a-da-a.
Mother Superior jump the a-gun. Mother Superior jump the a-gun, and I said-ad.
Mother Superior jump the a-gun, I said, I'm gonna,
Mother Superior jump the a-gun, a-jump the a-gun.

She's not a girl who misses much.
(DR. EDISON AMOS: In these ten bill of rights,
Each one gives the people a special right.)
She's not a girl who misses much.
(DR. EDISON AMOS: This second one is a right to bear arms.)
Ah. She's well acquainted with the touch,
She's well acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand-a.

Ah... a...nd-a... keep... me... down...
I need a fix 'cause I am- I said, I need a fix 'cause I-
I need a... need... I need, I need, I need a,
I need... I need... a, I need a, Mama.
I need... a,, I need... Mama, and-I,
I need... and-and-and, need... an my boy.
I need... and-and-and-and, need... and-and I need.
I need... and I need, and need, and need 'cause,

Happiness is a warm gun. Happiness is a warm gun, Mama.
Happiness is a warm gu...n, mama...
I need-a, I need a, I need a,
She's not a girl who misses much. She's not a girl who misses much.
Mother Superior ju-mp...

I need a fix 'cause I am going down.
I need a fix 'cause I am going down.
I need a fix... 'cause I am going down. I need a fix. I...ha.
Mama, I-I need a fix... 'cause i'm going down.
Down to the bits that I a-left uptown.
Down to the bits that I a-left up-upto-own.
Down to the bits that I left uptown.
I said, I need a fix 'cause I am going down.
I need, I need, I need...
Mother Superior jump the gun... Mother Superior jump-the-gun.
Mama... ma...happiness is, happiness... Mama... mama... a-mama...

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Myra Ellen "Tori" Amos (Newton, 22 agosto 1963) è una cantautrice, pianista e produttore discografico statunitense. Tori Amos è considerata da critici e pubblico come una delle più importanti figure del rock al femminile degli anni novanta grazie a lavori come Little Earthquakes (1992), Under the Pink (1994) e From the Choirgirl Hotel (1998).

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