Mf Doom

Songtext Guinnesses Mf Doom


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(feat. 4ize, Angelika)

...shayton never came so ill, he got skill
Met a brother from the drill that gave my spine chills
All.. thirty three nerves controllin my curves
Common sense just swerved everytime I got served
Stress, frustration, empty rhetoric
Cold as winter in conneticut
Compassion lackin deficit
Thought it was love life, sent from above
You not a soulmate
More ways and actions of a crimate
Who by low and census comin faker than extentions
Pistol way offed in intentions outta here sister was missin
Intuition baby it was me I couldn't see
Holdin onto fantasy, gettin bit by reality

[Chorus: 4ize] [Singing]
War wound, purple heart, love veteran
Morphine, pain killers, drugs and medicine
Anything just to forget the hurt, INCOMING...
Take cover hit the dirt
On the frontline, there's casualities in the mind
And the POW's get left behind
Mentally scarred for life, love is war
And some chics are just too hard to wife

I should've debtted it from Genisis
Instead of hittin them Guinnessez
Now I'm free fallin cursin at the street brawlin
He cease callin, no appetite for free stallin
So deep all in, I bet he never stop ballin
Women, forsake God for the scent of a man
Sacrifice I hold life for a slice, overstand?
Maybe it's a lack of pigment
Loneliness imagine figment
Ownly got the car tinted to pull extra G's in it
Damn Jody, comin with the okie doke, pokie poke
Steady rockin boats, got me aimin for ya throats
Sniper scope, weren't we supposed to elope?
Propose then ya froze, I don't think that I can cope

[Chorus: 4ize] [Singing]
War wound, purple heart, love veteran
Morphine, pain killers, drugs and medicine
Anything just to forget the hurt, INCOMING...
Take cover hit the dirt
On the frontline, there's casualities in the mind
And the POW's get left behind
Mentally scarred for life, love is war
And some chics are just too hard to wife

Constant frustration, stemmin from a no win situation
Rushin lust and fornication, adding to the complication
Patience is a virtue, pain run deep with love desert you
Listenin to wisperin, choosin chaos over discipline
Simpleton, life should really be a piece of intimance
Relationships swiftin in
Flower essence: penstemon
Gentlemen, my favorite shit, so I never forsaken it
I presevere, make it fit, sculptin and reshapin it
Takin sips off a fifth and IF passion it
Inscense in sits candles lit, scandalous
Emotional bandages, why would he abandon us?
Guess he couldn't handle it, the boss is magnanimous

[Chorus: 4ize] [Singing]
War wound, purple heart, love veteran
Morphine, pain killers, drugs and medicine
Anything just to forget the hurt, INCOMING...
Take cover hit the dirt
On the frontline, there's casualities in the mind
And the POW's get left behind
Mentally scarred for life, love is war
And some chics are just too hard to wife

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