Craig Finn

Songtext Grant at galena Craig Finn


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Grant at galena

Broke into the Biltmore
Got a couple of handles
Drifted back to the darkness
Lit a few candles

They sent me some letters
I did my best to ignore 'em
I couldn't make the payments
So they sat there unopened

They cut off the power
But I still got the water
When I lose light for reading
I walk up to the mall

I'm a creature of habit
But I forget what it's for
I'm Grant at Galena
I need a new war
I need a new war

I wore the right shoes, I wore the right shirt
I went to the city, but the city didn't work
It never felt great but at least it didn't hurt

Saw the old school, it was all pretty sweet
But not one single person threw palms at my feet
My old friends are fine but their new friends are freaks

I found a bird in the backyard
It flew into a wall
Brought it into the foyer
Prayed it's sins are absolved

I finally felt useful
Trying to save something small
But there's so many storefronts
Emptied out at the mall

Now they turned off the power
And it's dark in the shower
I guess it's all expectations
It depends on the day

When supplies get depleted
I set out for the store
I'm Grant at Galena
I need a new war
I need a new war

I say the same things that used to get laughs
When the sun's coming up, I'm high in the bath
I can pay with a card but I can't pay in cash

I wore the right shoes, I wore the right shirt
I went to the city, but the city didn't work
It never felt great but at least it didn't hurt

I found a bird in the backyard
(I need a new war)
It flew into a wall
(I need a new war)
Brought it into the foyer
(I need a new war)
Prayed it's sins are absolved
(I need a new war)

I finally felt useful
(I need a new war)
Trying to save something small
(I need a new war)
But there's so many storefronts
(I need a new war)
Emptied out at the mall
(I need a new war)

They turned off the power
(I need a new war)
It's dark in the shower
(I need a new war)
I tried to ignore 'em
(I need a new war)
It depends on the day
(I need a new war)

There was sometime last summer
(I need a new war)
That I stopped keeping score
(I need a new war)
I'm Grant at Galena
(I need a new war)

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Craig Finn is a performer. He is a member of The Hold Steady and he was a member of Lifter Puller.

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