
Songtext Got your mind in the gutter Europe


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Got your mind in the gutter

(Joey Tempest, Kee Marcello, Beau Hill)

What's a man to do
When he's bein' accused
I hear you talkin'
It's real bad news
Nothin' happened with
That girl last night
So baby won't you
Tell me why

You got your mind in the gutter
You got your mind in the gutter
You're jumpin' to conclusions
And it's plain to see
You got your mind in the gutter
Don't blame me

So you say I'm foolin' 'round
Playin' the field
Baby let me tell you
It's no big deal
No I ain't gettin'
A little on the side
But I feel like a prisoner
With both hands tied

You say you found a number
On a matchbook in my coat
And lipstick smeared
On my shirt
I hate to disappoint you
And it scares me to death
That if your shovel ain't full
You just keep diggin' up
Some dirt

You've pushed me into a corner
You've got my back to thte wall
I stand accused of bein'
Some kind of liar
Hey I wouldn't hose you down
If you were on fire

You've got your mind in the gutter
You've got your mind in the gutter
Baby I keep those women
Far away from my skin
But since your mind's
In the gutter
Man I just can't win

I took her aside
To give her my point of view
What you tryin' to pull babe
It just ain't true
There should be a warnin'
Up above your cage
Sayin' don't feed the lion
She's in a state of rage

How can I prove
That I've done nothin' wrong
You know in your heart
That you're all that I want
Youre all fired up
Just a little bit too tight
Now babe whata can I tell you
You just ain't right

Aint got a baad reputation
So why you tearin' it down
Don't know what happened
But your mind's gone south
No I can't believe what comes
Out of your mouth

You've got your mind in the gutter
You've got your mind in the gutter
I know what you're sayin'
But it just ain't true
You've got your mind in the gutter
Baby shame on you
So you say I'm foolin' 'round
Playin' the field
You know better
'Cause it's no big deal
I ain't gettin' a little
On thte side
Baby what can I tell you
You just ain't right

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Europe is the band who brought \"The Final Countdown\" to the record buying public; a massive worldwide hit of the poodle rock heyday. The single sold over eight million copies and hit the top of the charts in over 20 countries. But the band was originally conceived as a progressive rock vehicle and their eponymous debut, released in 1983, revealed a little of their early roots.

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