Aesop Rock

Songtext Gopher guts Aesop Rock


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Gopher guts

Greasy, grimey, gopher guts, pool side, 0 for 1, I don't forget spoons twice, luke warm Folgers, mod on his moon pie, rooms in his home that dissipate into fruit flies, suicide lane wide load ride looting, in the wake of an amicable marooning, my duty go from moving in packs, to sharing food with a cat, to "ma, it's me I accidentally sawed a woman in half," she said "I'll keep you in my prayers," I said "I need to hide a body," she said "Okay honesy, talk to you on friday." Apparently we share common plasma, so the growing disconnection doesn't matter, according to the blood and water chapter, weird.
Who wrote the blood and water chapter anyway? Probably some surly dad, only child, 30 cats, looking for a way to reconnect with an averted past, except it doesn't always work like that, today I pulled 3 baby snakes out of moss and dirt, where the wild strawberry vines toss and turn, I told 'em you will to grow and be something essential and electric, you are healthy, you are special, you are present, then I let 'em go.

You were sitting at the gate awaiting spirits and provisions, I was privy to a headache over pirouetting innards, in the mirror sweating pitchers, who's there simian or lizard? As it were there is a disappearing difference, in ambition and material, antiquated gentlemen outlaws reduced to a ferris wheel of vitriol, move as a godless heathen, black gums, tooth gone, bootleg yukon cornelius I'm a-ksshht! That's better, here we-her we go, disenchanted face printed on a zero dollar bill, got a little plot of land where authority isn't recognized, contraband keeping the core of his Hyde Jeckly-ized check, never mind a misanthrope vying for affection to the wretched sound of mysticism dying, it is something he must handle on his own, the wind blown way, wanna win? Don't play, today I pulled 3 green frogs out of leaf and bark, where the grape vines climb a convenient barn, I told 'em you will grow to be something tenacious and exalted, you are mighty, you are gracious, you are lauded, then I let 'em go.

I have been completely unable to maintain any semblance of relationship on any level, I have been a bastard to the people who have actively attempted to deliver me from peril, I have been acutely undeserving of the ear that listen up and lip that kiss me on the temple, I have been accustomed to a stubborn disposition that admits it wish it's history disassembled, I have been a hypocrite in sermonizing tolerance while skimming for a ministry to pretzel, I have been unfairly resentful of those I wish had acted differently when the bidding was essential, I have been a terrible communicator prone to isolation over sympathy for devils, I have been my own worst enemy since the very genesis of rebels.
Today, I pulled 3 ghost crabs out of rock and sand, where the low tide showcased a promised land, I told 'em you will grow to be something dynamic and impressive, you are patient, you are gallant, you are festive, then I let 'em go.

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