
Songtext Golden child 2 intro! Autumn!


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Golden child 2 intro!

All the young niggas give me my flowers
Look at my brother right up in his face and told him the world is ours
I used to hang in the rain, but now everyday it’s a money shower (I still done [?] bitch)
I get the love I deserve, it’s fuck what you heard, I hang with the birds
Nasty lil bitch she get curved, now she say I’m broke, this shit is absurd
I get the racks everyday, they come on the 1st, the 2nd, and 3rd
All of my niggas fight demons, they tryna defeat them niggas with the syrup
I don’t give a fuck who judg? me, cause ev?ry day I look in the mirror and say I love me
Goddamn lil boy you lucky, cause you made it out the mud b
And now your pockets chubby
You cross me once this shit get dirty like rugby
Had to get out of my state and go make a wave
Eventually it was gone pay off, and now every week it feels like I got 7 days off
Goddamn who thought I’d take off
Remember them days I was working and couldn’t take off
And now I just get to the cake like it’s a bake off
I still remember the year my momma got laid off
Now I’m rich enough to get her bills paid off
I'm blessed, when the tears [?] that was the trade off
Just asked my momma, I’d never take that one day off
Bugga told me be strong, you wasn’t made soft
I'ma always love my people for the love they gave off
And if you can’t share blood, then you get drained off
He thinking you made your mark, watch you get scraped off
A lil dust on your shoulder, that’s something we shake off
I just went to check on Rino, told that nigga look how much we made off
Talking into the mic, not taking no breaks off
I still pray for my nigga, but you gone be straight dog

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