
Songtext Gods of thunder of wind and of rain Bathory


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Gods of thunder of wind and of rain

Creator of life.Guardian of he dead
Goddess of battle and war
All of yee watch me.My sword by my side
Proudly I sit on my horse
And I wait for the sign in the sky to appear
Telling me that the moment has come
For me to ride beyond the edge of this world
Into the realms where the shadows are strong
Gods of thunder of wind and of rain
Valkyries my soul is yours should I fail
Let me beheaded and battered corps lay
And take me where you bring all nordsmen slain
Gods of thunder of wind and of rain
Hugin and Munin my eyes in the sky
Heart of mine thrown in the pit of the snake
I will not need no heart where I go should die
Realms of the shadows bring me no fear
I may stand or be beaten and torn
The mountains will stand.But the life of a man
Was decided long before he was born
Leaving the olains where my ancestors hunted
For meat and for hides against the cold
Here the fire was tamed.Here ous swords were made
And here the elders amazing tales told
I ride into the land few have seen or returned from
To tell of it's bleakness and dark
I see nothing but mis and the mountains so tall
I can`t tell them and the sky
Gods of thunder of wind and of rain
Valkyries my soul is yours should I fail
Let me beheaded and battered corps lay
And take me where you bring all nordsmen slain
Gods of thunder of wind and of rain
Hugin and Munin my eyes in the sky
Heart of mine thrown in the pit of the snake
I will not need no heart where I go should die
Realms of the shadows bring me no fear
I may stand or be beaten and torn
The mountains will stand.But the life of a man
Was decided long before he was born
Gods of thunder of wind and of rain
Valkyries my soul is yours should I fail
Let me beheaded and battered corps lay
And take me where you bring all nordsmen slain
Gods of thunder of wind and of rain
Hugin and Munin my eyes in the sky
Heart of mine thrown in the pit of the snake
I will not need no heart where I go should die

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Bathory was a Swedish heavy metal band, formed by Quorthon in 1983. They are regarded as pioneers of both black metal and Viking metal. The band is named after the infamous Hungarian countess Elizabeth Bathory.

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