
Songtext Giants O-Town


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I'm on a hoverboard
Going back to the future to learn from what's been done before
What's been done before
I've never taken all
I'ma need a second, third and fourth before I go
Before I go

I'm standing on the tip of my toes
And I can see for miles, and miles it goes
And I just wanna let you know

I'm standing, standing, standing
Standing on the shoulders of giants, giants
I'm standing on the shoulders of giants
And the view is pretty damn good
Pretty damn good, g-g-g-good, good
Good, g-g-g-good, good
Good, pretty damn good, yeah
And the view is pretty damn good

I took another "L"
But on the bright side I know I got enough to spell
La-la-la-la-la la-laI'm never looking down
I can still look up to you while I'm floating in the clouds
Floatin' in the clouds

And I'm tellin' you oh oh
A smooth sea never made no sailor
And oh oh oh
And I just wanna let you know

I'm standing, standing, standing
Standing on the shoulders of giants, giants
I'm standing on the shoulders of giants
And the view is pretty damn good
Pretty damn good, g-g-g-good, good
Good, g-g-g-good, good
Good, pretty damn good, yeah
And the view is pretty damn good

(And the view is pretty damn good)
(And the view is pretty damn good)

I'm standing, standing, standing
I'm standing, standing, standing
(And the view is pretty damn good)
I'm standing, standing, standing
I'm standing on the shoulders of giants
(And I just wanna let you know)

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O-Town was an American boy band formed from the first season of the MTV-produced reality television series Making The Band in 2000. The members of the band were Jacob Underwood, Ashley Parker Angel, Erik-Michael Estrada, Trevor Penick, and Dan Miller. After releasing two albums near the end of the boy band fad of the late 1990s and early 2000s, the group disbanded in 2003. Some of their songs remain popular as cover tunes by other groups. The group was originally managed by Lou Pearlman during their first season of Making the Band, but later managed by Mike Cronin and Mike Morin for their debut album and remaining television seasons.

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