Thievery Corporation

Songtext Ghetto matrix Thievery Corporation


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Ghetto matrix

The city was cold
Replete with these sheets of old ways
And stained tenements that were built for bold slaves
Days collapse, street's name, perhaps
Were traps, you could see it in the concrete cracks
The lost hope is smoked
The skies would devise for slowpokes
Dreamers who seem to touch zenith
Their arms couldn't reach without touching the breach
A blunder, so the summers woulda summoned police
The heat reached through crevices
To verify the visage of the nemesis
No blemishes to find on this intricate design
And odd no-brainer, the container was the mind
The poverty stricken victims
Produced the paint for the portrait
So humble, yet the struggle was sold and went corporate
It hit the world stage and got celebrated
This odd mix of love and hatred
The ghetto matrix

It's on you, it's your mind
It's a complex plan that keeps us confined
It's on you, it's your mind
It's a complex plan that keeps us confined

It's on you, it's your mind
It's a complex plan that keeps us confined
It's on you, it's your mind
It's a complex plan that keeps us confined

The mantra of the mission:
Make money off the missing
The streets were the rhythm
When the six rounds hit 'em
The shells danced in the moonlight of sunshine
The blues, you could view them on the news at nine
The vines grow over headstones and then homes
Composed to give prose to the anguish and moans
The worries of the world can't stop the cash crop
The blood drop signifies a rise in the stock
The matrix that enslaves us stops to seemingly balk
But can't deny the fact that the act has gone pop
Nonstop, the plot thickens with his and her children
Echoes of the plight, like to have the youth listen
Is it ghetto? Is it urban? Are you certain?
Are you a servant here to keep the sales surgin'?
All in all, it seems that no one can escape it
This odd mix of love and hatred
The ghetto matrix

It's on you, it's your mind
It's a complex plan that keeps us confined
It's on you, it's your mind
It's a complex plan that keeps us confined

It's on you, it's your mind
It's a complex plan that keeps us confined
It's on you, it's your mind
It's a complex plan that keeps us confined

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Recording in their Washington DC based studio, Rob Garza and Eric Hilton, better known as the international production and DJ duo Thievery Corporation, have released their fifth studio album, Radio Retaliation, through their independent music label ESL Music. The 15-track opus features the duo collaborating with a roster of International all-stars to create the strongest statement yet from Thievery Corporation.

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