
Songtext Ghetto angels (remix) Nocap


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Ghetto angels (remix)

Yeah, didn't write this song, but I'm recordin' with this lead on me
Know it sound strange, but I'ma die for all my dead homies
Nobody really know how he feels
I always thought that you would be here
Why do I always question God, but I never pray?
I think about you, I end up cryin' on my best days
Tryna convince me to get better, naw, naw, naw, naw
I'd be lyin' if I didn't say I really miss my dawgs
It's so much of pain in us, always feel like I'm givin' up
It ain't the same no more, death brought me anger
I'm followed by angels and I got some dyin' love
Soon as I got rich, soon as I got famous

Why did you leave?
If you was here, how would it be?
Oh, oh
I'm protected by these ghetto angels
Oh, woah
I'm protected by the hood gangsters

When the streets don't show you love, that feeling a bitch ain't it?
When a nigga die, the world may fun, that feeling sick ain't it?
I'm from Chicago where they turn yo death date to a case
You hear the same shit when a nigga die they say it's under investigation
You'll find the killer who killed my cousin, find the killer who killed Kenneka Jenkins
That's why they slide without thinking, nobody safe when I'm breathing (Ohhhhh)
I'm the voice of the streets I ain't tryna be a big homie
Other cities got structures, Chicago ain't got big homies
Having yo gun on you everyday that shit don't mean shit don't it
It's who after us first, my cousin died with a stick on 'em
I'ont see no lies in here, I feel like crying in here
He spent his life on security, he got life he crying for real
He say I'll give you this pain through, they lost they souls to the streets but they my ghetto Angel's
NoCap the streets wanna hear me on this remix, they wanna hear my pain too
I seen a [?] in Miami, I text I hope this ain't you
I wanna call and say...

Why did you leave?
If you was here, how would it be?
Oh, oh
I'm protected by these ghetto angels
Oh, woah
I'm protected by the hood gangsters

I thank God that I'm still here, [?]
Maybe lessons from the bullpen, or the blessings from the highest
You just don't know
You never have to see yo homie drop its alot
When you walking for the life who knows when it stops
Gotta give it straight, screaming no chase
Cause I never question God, I know it's a better place
I know it's a marathon not just a race
Can't wait to see the looks on all my homies face
Can't wait until the day that we embrace (Ohhhhh)
Can't wait until the day that we embrace (Ooooo)

Why did you leave?
If you was here, how would it be?
Oh, oh
I'm protected by these ghetto angels
Oh, woah
I'm protected by the hood gangsters

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