
Songtext Ggbb Adé


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Der musikalische text GGBB von ADÉ ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Wyd after? (2020)

Wyd after?



The beginning

You let her go and she might never come back
You try to call her after two but you know better than that
She wake up, text you in the mornin' "Nigga, this ain't that"
Your life?a?movie?but you won't?do me, with?this same act
Nah, she ain't these bitches with they soul up for sale
They got here to show us somethin', she can show to herself
She just reup'd on the lease and cop the Rover herself
Still in Donatella Versace and Coco Chanel
You a, good girl but still a bad bitch
I ain't mad at you, worked hard, earn the right to have an attitude
Workin' on your Masters, puttin' hours if it pays
Still keep your nails did, how many hours in your day?
I'm just tryna keep up, shit when you tryna meet up?
'Cause you the type, I let my mama see my mamacita
Promise long as you the truth, I keep the honesty up
In your feelings while she into [?] with her feet up

She a good girl but still a bad bitch
Fuck a nigga free, she ain't got no time to play
Call her anything but average, yeah
Get it for her, she gon' get it either way
She a good girl but still a bad bitch, uh
Write a check, probably check a bitch too
I don't know how you can manage
I don't care about nobody else but you

I like the way you do your hair
And I like them expensive shoes you wear
It's just the little things you do
Then let me know you really don't care 'bout a nigga or a bitch tryna ruin your day

Post somethin' in your DM, they shootin' away
Ex nigga on your line, know he made a mistake
He know you'd rather love him than leave him, than hate him to stay
Got a nigga out Phoenix, said he play for the Suns
Anytime you come and see him, he'll pay for the fun
Got a nigga in New York, said he play for the Jets
He'll pay your rent now, he'll pay for the next, but
You let 'em know, they can't buy you
'Cause ain't no girl ahead and ain't no bitch buy you
Niggas in your bidness, who you don't even reply to
I know why they care but I don't know why they try you, uh
You a threat, you the only one I'm wantin'
Girl you set and you don't owe nobody nothin'
In your bag, ain't worried 'bout she said
Eight hunnid score, fuck a nigga street cred

She a good girl but still a bad bitch, yeah
Fuck a nigga free, she ain't got no time to play
Call her anything but average, yeah
Get it for her, she gon' get it either way
She a good girl but still a bad bitch, uh
Write a check, probably check a bitch too
I don't know how you can manage
I don't care about nobody else but you

I like the way you do your hair
And I like them expensive shoes you wear
It's just the little things you do
Then let me know you really don't care 'bout a nigga or a bitch

Ain't tripping 'til a nigga lay a finger on your shit
Lookin' an actress or a singer on your pics, baby
You give him Beyoncé
If money talks, baby, you say what you want say
Standin' on the couch, fucking 'em up
Got these niggas lookin' like, "You shorty, fuckin' or what?"
She got work in the mornin', she got somethin' to prove
Ask her what she doin' after, not fuckin' with you, hmm
YSL clutch full of provolone
You deserve your own fashion overcoat
Know you like it when you top
'Bout your bidness but can make that pussy pop
I wonder if your daddy know you dance like a stripper
Friends holdin' on your skirt, while you holdin' on your liquor
You a bad motherfucka if there was one
If you don't bring a friend, we could make a plus one

You a good girl, but you a bad motherfucka, uh
Bad, bad motherfucka
You a good girl, but you a bad motherfucka, yeah
Bad motherfucka
Make it drop
The beginning

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