Aesop Rock

Songtext Getaway car Aesop Rock


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Getaway car

• breeze brewin • a yo I send this to all of my corporate
corpses tryna abort the thoughts of coming out wildn',
dumbin' out time to off the office, i was surely sorta
twisted, worked at a TV studio, an audio assistant, easy
do my duty though at times was in a mean mood, hot I
gotta be cool, on the brink of fiend's drool, glaring at the
green room, made a brother the same color, but beyond
neon, pushin' me to peon, barkin' at dreams to be gone.
tending to the talent and many they haven't any, was
especially a challenge when he be like god damnit can
he hear his vocal. as he cuffin it “How my mic sound?”
thinkin' on the low it's perfect when he put the mic down,
clown stand steady grillin' wanting subservience, sound
man buryin' thinkin' i'd fuckin' murder them and i'm stea-
min' as i'm watchin' duke, leavin' on some hot pursuit, i
gotta win as these cats be modelin' what not to do.

6 in the morning and the walls close in, high noon calls
and the walls own him, kings at the ready know the walls
won't win.

• a.r. • storms on the harbor like a harbin-
ger of gore, gore is my harbinger, pardon
the art of war, get your doors darkened by
the house of card carpenters who never
thought a slave could be a sparticus and
more, pencil sharpener with a resume for
the carnivores who take important con-
ference calls in corner office walls, still
a buck is a buck and he punch numbers,
5 - punch! just say no to company func-
tions, and he duck into the dungeons,
nothing says “kill it” like a day of fetching
paperclips and staplers for the privileged,
two lives one is chores for whores, one is
where i want to be when you begin regret-
ting yours, and I poured in with a large
coffee, tardy every morning, to a man who
took authority beyond what it was for, how
you gonna pay the rent day job free? make
rap records, matter of fact, thanks, peace.

• cage • in a hospital gown day off from
being tied down in recreation, swinging
a paddle at mental patients. raping the
competition to smother the pain and sin
so he pounds you out in table tennis like
Wang Liqin. too strange within just to stop
demented interactions sleep and thoughts
documented. he's lingering insane paint
thinner in his vein colors blown out around
the doctors finger in his brain. with a nee-
dle unable to beat him in a fetal position
he crafted a path to escape his condition.
would cling to the white walls the psych
halls in his mind soon bled the words he
would speak to the world in time, but not
before more injections strapped to the bed
until the psycho-tropics took hold of the
rap in his head. when his wrists released
he wrote tunes you could snoop through,
day of release said depart from me i never
knew you.

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