Jimmy Edgar

Songtext Get up Jimmy Edgar


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Der musikalische text GET UP von JIMMY EDGAR ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Cheetah bend (2021)

Cheetah bend


Get up


Get up off yo ass, nigga
You gots to do better
Got us trapped in this rat race
I mean, we chasin' this cheddar (Uh-huh)
Hard to survive, with a nine-to-five
You gotta do whatever (Uh-huh)
Fallin' apart, where do we start?
But gotta keep it together
Red line in the fast lane (Uh-huh)
You know I won't let us
Smokin' good 'cause the pack came
Get my mind together
Ain't got no time, stayed on the grind
Savin' for stormy weather (Uh-huh)
Ain't got no time, stayed on the grind
Savin' for stormy weather (Uh-huh)

Get up off yo ass, nigga (Stuck)
You gots to do bett?r (Stuck)
You gots to do better (Stuck)
You gots to do bett?r (Stuck)
Get up off yo ass, nigga (Stuck)
You gots to do better (Stuck)
You gots to do better (Stuck)
You gots to do better (Stuck)

Nigga, ain't nobody giving handouts
Fuck what you hearin' 'bout (Uh-huh)
'Cause the world don't revolve 'round you (No)
Nobody gotta be like you
That's why I be by my lonely (Lonely)
Take the heat and dipped on it (On it)
Smoke a nigga that's on it
Gotta keep it working (Uh-huh)
Nigga, get on up where we going to (Uh-huh)
Cop pull you over, then it's over, you
Black man shot, night down the stretcher
Under too much damn pressure
Stay stressed out, no helpin' out
We gotta keep it together ('Gether)
Stay stressed out, no helpin' out
We gotta keep it together ('Gether)

Get up off yo ass, nigga (Stuck)
You gots to do better (Stuck)
You gots to do better (Stuck)
You gots to do better (Stuck)
Get up off yo ass, nigga (Stuck)
You gots to do better (Stuck)
You gots to do better (Stuck)
You gots to do better (Stuck)

Smokin' on that stinky (Stinky)
Salsa like merengue
Beat it up, she hurricanin'
Screamin' out, ayy, baby (Ayy, baby)
Trapped up in this rate race
Money owed like VATs paid
Chains lookin' like ice age
Cashing out, like tax day
Comin' down, like their style
Play with mind, get yo ass shot
Now you talkin' a mad lie
Put hoes all over your ascot
Got mine, ain't worried about yours
Servin' on that curb (Uh-huh)
Got mine, ain't worried about yours
Been servin' on that curb

Get up off yo ass, nigga (Stuck)
You gots to do better (Stuck)
You gots to do better (Stuck)
You gots to do better (Stuck)
Get up off yo ass, nigga (Stuck)
You gots to do better (Stuck)
You gots to do better (Stuck)
You gots to do better (Stuck)

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Jimmy Edgar is a Detroit-based electronic music artist, signed to Warp Records. Influenced mostly by Jazz, funk, street beat and r&b in these early years, he began his musical pursuit by playing the drums in experimental bands and by making tape recordings. Most of these recordings, consisting mainly of pitch bended tape loops, cut edits, field recordings, and noise tracks, were the beginning of his experimentation with the technical aspects of production.

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