
Songtext Get loose Tyga


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Get loose

Money buy the power, I could buy all the real shit
I ain’t never been a liar
Walk up to yo bitch, told er I’d buy er
Nigga talk shit, I pull out the fire

Bitches getting loose, ride through on yo block man
In the drop, hair black, jeans, make a bitch cheap not care
Young Cove in the pop, bills pop, bands
Put a price on yo head, dollar sign,
Die fast, live young nigga
Got mills, ain’t a dumb nigga
Niggas got choppas like drums going dumb nigga
Take er for the night, night stand then I’m done nigga
Then I giver er back like, ha nigga
I’m the shit, call the plummer
I’m so lit, I don’t know my number
Walk up in the club, like what’s yo dilemma?
Started taking shots but I am a beginner
Bottles in my both hands bitch
Twerk, we don’t slow dance to them slow jams
All my niggas in the club doing the money dance
Big booty clappin to the end, all night goddamn

Money buy the power, I could buy all the real shit
I ain’t never been a liar
Walk up to yo bitch, told er I’d buy er
Nigga talk shit, I pull out the fire

Bitch ‘cause I’m loose off the goose, goose
Loose off the goose, goose
Loose off the goose, goose
Real shit, I ain’t never been a liar
Bitches getting loose

Loosing up in the backseat
Got killers on the street, bitch life ain’t a bitch
And his beach house ain’t cheap, got shooters like the heat
Real motherfuckin G’s, RIP Easy E
I T’d up, bitch let a nigga nut
We can shoot realer, just a bang for yo work
Right out niggas rough, it’s the thuggers ruggers bound
My niggas Rambo, Sylvester Stallone
Gone, got bars, ain’t gotta roam
If she ain’t giving dome I guess she gon be walking home
Click clack two heels, turn it, don’t make a noise
When I’m down south, niggas say I’m that boy
Good dawg, good for nothing but the cash
100 on the dash, molly in the stash, fuck a price tag
Smoke til I can’t see nothing, call it gas mask
She gon need a white flag when a nigga murder that ass

Money buy the power, I could buy all the real shit
I ain’t never been a liar
Walk up to yo bitch, told er I’d buy er
Nigga talk shit, I pull out the fire

Bitch ‘cause I’m loose off the goose, goose
Loose off the goose, goose
Loose off the goose, goose
Real shit, I ain’t never been a liar
Bitches getting loose

Turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up
Bitches getting loose
Turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up
Real shit, I ain’t never been a liar
Bitches getting loose
Turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up
Bitches getting loose
Turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up
Real shit, I ain’t never been a liar
Bitches getting loose
Bitches getting loose
Real shit, I ain’t never been a liar
Bitches getting loose

Money buy the power, I could buy all the real shit
I ain’t never been a liar
Walk up to yo bitch, told er I’d buy er
Nigga talk shit, I pull out the fire

Bitch ‘cause I’m loose off the goose

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