
Songtext Gas me up (diligent) Skepta


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Der musikalische text GAS ME UP (DILIGENT) von SKEPTA ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Knife and fork (2024)

Knife and fork


Gas me up (diligent)

(I need a card that don't decline, every day's a party)
Prr, prr
(I'm with my brothers and my trappers and my chargies)
Big Smoke
(And we're still the same, ain't nothin' changed except the car keys)

We don't get angry, we don't get even (Nah)
We don't talk about beef, by the way, did I mention I just turned vegan? (Ha)
I need the pagans breathing so they can see my new Top Boy season
I need the pagans alive so they can know see that it's still my time
I don't know why they act tough onlin?, I see them outside and they ain't say nada (Huh?)
Soon as h? say, "On sight," we lookin' for you like some vintage Prada
Lookin' for you like some archive pieces (Pow-pow, pow)
Jealousy in the ends, they hate when you become successful
But in the trenches, we were all friends
How long we tryna pretend?
I know they love to see me do well
But only when it benefits them
Is it 'bout money or is it 'bout girls? (Huh?)
Either way, I'm threatening men (Greaze)
C just text, said, "Diligent," yeah, 'cause the outfit's making sense
I told him it cost to be the boss and to be this fly is the same expense (Pow-pow, pow)
And we just went triple platinum, check the digits (Yeah, yeah)
Most these brothers is tired and washed up, bro, but they won't admit it
How many times have I dumbed it down to make a boy feel like he's on my level? (Bow)
And I ain't talkin' about kettles, I ain't talkin' about precious metals (Nah, nah)
I'm talkin' about takin' a year out, still I can't see no competition
Can't see anyone threatenin' my position (Ha)
Told D I need a chauffer 'cause I'm so driven, should be in the backseat with both hands free (Skrrt-skrrt)
Right hand makin' blaze on the i
Phone, and my left hand grippin' on the BB, it's me (Prr)
Praise the Lord for the life I'm livin'
Big Smoke Records, alive and kickin'
Dinner in Milan with the finest women
And none of us sexin', nah, I'm just chillin' (Yeah)
Your taste level is my waist level
You ain't ever heard of the wine I'm sippin'
Heard you say this year's your year, then you better hurry up, boy, time is tickin'

I need a card that don't decline, every day's a party
I'm with my brothers and my trappers and my chargies
And we're still the same, ain't nothin' changed except the car keys
Vroom, vroom
I told her to gas me up, I needed gasoline
I'm tryin' to slide it in, just like a cash machine
I made a milli on this phone with a cracked screen
So don't be around a bush, please, say what you mean (Greaze)

Every day's a party
I'm with my brothers and my trappers and my chargies
Ain't nothin' changed except the car keys
I told her to gas me up, I needed gasoline
I'm tryin' to slide it in, just like a cash machine
I made a milli on this phone with a cracked screen
So don't be around a bush, please, say what you mean

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Skepta is a performer. Their discography includes Rinse: 04, Greatest Hits, Microphone Champion, Stupid EP and Duppy.

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