Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext Fuck shit Waka Flocka Flame


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Fuck shit

Featuring Trouble

Fuck shit, yea I'm on that fuck shit
Get yo head cracked for that watch and that bracelet
Fuck shit, yea I'm on that fuck shit
He makin songs bout me, when I see him he better duck bitch
Fuck shit, yea I'm on that fuck shit
Stomp yo ass out til the DJ hit the lights
If he try me he can pulse his body
Shootin cold my ivy, hands like I'm Ali

Thrown off a molly once a nigga try me
2 bad bitches call me rooster in a Rarri
My young boys sure they know karate
Fake nigga not me
In the hood find me, hanging with the real slugs
Trap nigga, come embrace us when you can't find no rap nigga
I can rap nigga but still you pay no rap nigga
Adrian Bruno with them hands, make you tap nigga
Getting money, even eating with the jets nigga
Alright, fuck these niggas, they don't really wanna take it there
Pistols in the club, my young niggas they ain't flyin fair
Fuck shit, fuck shit ? yea I be on it nigga
Take yo watch chain and ring, yea I condone it nigga

Fuck shit, yea I'm on that fuck shit
Get yo head cracked for that watch and that bracelet
Fuck shit, yea I'm on that fuck shit
He makin songs bout me, when I see him he better duck bitch
Fuck shit, yea I'm on that fuck shit
Stomp yo ass out til the DJ hit the lights
If he try me he can pulse his body
Shootin cold my ivy, hands like I'm Ali

Fuck shit, Wooda on that fuck shit
Full metal jacket, everybody brought a duck shit
I don't give a fuck if your partner in the way
Wooda throwin bullets, this just how the roundin play
Ain't probably thuggin, fat mack on TMZ
Step in niggas' face, like he was the damn shis
I be on that fuck shit, we be on that BS (Squad)
Hunned niggas gunnin if you disrespect BS (Squad)

Fuck shit, yea I'm on that fuck shit
Get yo head cracked for that watch and that bracelet
Fuck shit, yea I'm on that fuck shit
He makin songs bout me, when I see him he better duck bitch
Fuck shit, yea I'm on that fuck shit
Stomp yo ass out til the DJ hit the lights
If he try me he can pulse his body
Shootin cold my ivy, hands like I'm Ali

F U C K, S H I T
C R E dub, woo that smells Trouble
Woo that gotta be Trouble
Always on the fuckery
You fuck niggas never seem hot
Them same bitch holds, I'm screaming ah!
The one that I lean, squeezing that car 15
I made an offer on the shots I got
Run a hoe here cuz these bullets are hot
Put your pussies in a shit bag, what?! Til you dig that
Imagine a bunch of grownups in Huggies, how you gon fix that?
They're all gonna laugh at you, they'll laugh at you
Consequence when you cross that line, I been talkin shit on the low
Blow your mind out, no timeout, you gon put yo head to the floor
You got a problem? No problem, I got em
Fuck shit!

Fuck shit, yea I'm on that fuck shit
Get yo head cracked for that watch and that bracelet
Fuck shit, yea I'm on that fuck shit
He makin songs bout me, when I see him he better duck bitch
Fuck shit, yea I'm on that fuck shit
Stomp yo ass out til the DJ hit the lights
If he try me he can pulse his body
Shootin cold my ivy, hands like I'm Ali

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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