
Songtext Fronto!! Boyband



(Okay, okay)

You can keep the backend, I need it all pronto
Heard he talkin' crazy, gotta roll him in the fronto (Smoked him)
Said my heart cold like the 6 God, Toronto
Yeah, yeah, yeah (Okay, okay)
You can keep the backend, I need it all pronto
Heard he talkin' crazy, gotta roll him in the fronto (Smoked him)
Said my heart cold like the 6 God, Toronto
Yeah, yeah, yeah (Okay, okay)

Started from the bottom, now I need a condo
Bedroom with my parents, now I need the top floor
Lately, I been angry, moody, I been hostile
Found God in myself, now I been speakin' gospel (Okay, okay)
I let niggas sleep way too hard on me
C'est a vie, like my Haitians say, "Gotta play for keeps"
On my Ps, and my Qs and 'em, starve if you don't eat
I'ma geek, roll a wood again, mak? sure you tuck it in
Niggas weak, I just heard your snipp?t, I wouldn't even spin it
I'm not sneak dissin', I'm 9'7" when I stand on business
I'm a beast, you should call me Zeke, way that I be shiftin' (Okay, okay)
350 Z, I can't fuck with you, way that you be driftin' (Okay, okay)

You can keep the backend, I need it all pronto
Heard he talkin' crazy, gotta roll him in the fronto (Smoked him)
Said my heart cold like the 6 God, Toronto
Yeah, yeah, yeah (Okay, okay)
You can keep the backend, I need it all pronto
Heard he talkin' crazy, gotta roll him in the fronto (Smoked him)
Said my heart cold like the 6 God, Toronto
Yeah, yeah, yeah (Okay, okay)

You can keep the backend, I need it all pronto
Heard he talkin' crazy, gotta roll him in the fronto (Smoked him)
Said my heart cold like the 6 God, Toronto
Yeah, yeah, yeah (Okay, okay)

(Okay, okay)

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Boyband is a group. Their discography includes You Really Got Me. Robert Arnold is a member of the band.

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