The Avalanches

Songtext Frontier psychiatrist The Avalanches


Frontier psychiatrist

Frontier psychiatrist

Is dexter ill, is dexter ill, is dexter ill
Is dexter ill today, mr kirk, dexters in school
Im afraid hes not, miss fishborne
Dexters truancy problem is way out of hand
The baltimore county school board have decided to expel
Dexter from the entire public school system

Oh mr kirk, Im as upset as you to learn of dexters truancy
But surely, expulsion is not the answer!
Im afraid expulsion is the only answer
Its the opinion of the entire staff that dexter is criminally insane

That boy needs therapy, psychosomatic,
That boy needs therapy, purely psychosomatic
That boy needs therapy
Lie down on the couch! what does that mean?
Youre a nut! youre crazy in the coconut!
What does that mean? that boy needs therapy
Im gonna kill you, that boy needs therapy
Ranagazoo, lets have it to you
On the count of three
That, that, that, that, that boy.. boy needs therapy
He was white as a sheet
And he also made false teeth

Avalanches is above, business continues below
Did I ever tell you the story about
Cowboys! bit , bit bitches and the indians and, fron, frontier psychiatrist
I... I felt strangely hypnotised
I was in another world, a world of 20.000 girls
And milk! rectangles, to an optometrist, the man with the golden eyeball
And tighten your buttocks, pour juice on your chin
I promise my girlfriend id... the violin, violin, violin ...

Frontier psychiatrist
Frontier, frontier, frontier, frontier
Frontier, frontier, frontier, frontier
Frontier, frontier, frontier, frontier

That boy needs therapy, psychosomatic
That boy needs therapy, purely psychosomatic
That boy needs therapy
Lie down on the couch, what does that mean?
Youre a nut! youre crazy in the coconut!
What does that mean? that boy needs therapy
Im gonna kill you, that boy needs therapy
Ranagazoo, lets have a tune
Now when I count three
That, that, that, that, that boy.. boy needs therapy
He was white as a sheet
And he also made false teeth

Frontier psychiatrist

Can you think of anything else that talks, other than a person?
Uh ohh... uh oh, a bird! yeah!
Sometimes a parrot talks
Ha ha ha ha ha !!!!
Yes, some birds are funny when they talk
Can you think of anything else
A record, record, record !

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The Avalanches are an electronic music group from Melbourne, Australia, best known for their live DJ sets and debut album Since I Left You, which was assembled from approximately 3,500 vinyl samples.

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