Bomfunk Mc'S

Songtext Freestyler Bomfunk Mc'S


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Rock the microphone
Straight from the top of my dome
Rock the microphone
Carry on with the freestyler

I gotz to hmmm
To throw on and go on
You know i gotz to flow on
Selectors on ya radio, play us
Cos were friendly to ozone
But that's not all so hold on
Tight as i rock the mic
Oh excuse me, pardon
As i syncronize with the analyzed
Upcoming vibes the session
Let there be a lesson, question
You carry protection but will your heart go on
Like celine dion karma chamelion

Yeah straight from the top of my dome
As i rock , rock , rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
Yeah straight from the top of my dome
As i rock , rock , rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
Yeah straight from the top of my dome
As i rock , rock , rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
Yeah straight from the top of my dome
As i rock , rock , rock the, rock the, rock the microphone

Styles, steelos, we bring many kilos
So you can pick yours from the various
Ambitious , nutrious, delicious , delirious or vicious, just tell us
We deliviere anything from accapellas to best sellers
Sucker get jealous but they're soft like marshmellows
You know they can't handle us like debbie does dallas
Yeah we come scandalous, so who the fuck is alice
Is she from buckingham palace?

Yeah straight from the top of my dome
As i rock , rock , rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
Yeah straight from the top of my dome
As i rock , rock , rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
Yeah straight from the top of my dome
As i rock , rock , rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
Yeah straight from the top of my dome
As i rock , rock , rock the, rock the, rock the microphone

Rock the microphone
Straight from the top of my dome
Rock the microphone
Carry on with the freestyler

Yeah straight from the top of my dome
As i rock , rock , rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
Yeah straight from the top of my dome
As i rock , rock , rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
Yeah straight from the top of my dome
As i rock , rock , rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
Yeah straight from the top of my dome
As i rock , rock , rock the, rock the, rock the microphone

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The Bomfunk MC's were a breaks band, formed in 1997 in Finland. The group's front man was the Finnish rapper B.O. Dubb (formerly known as B.O.W., born Raymond Ebanks) and the main producer is Jaakko "JS16" Salovaara.

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