Thievery Corporation

Songtext Free Thievery Corporation


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Manipulating mases
you talk about your asses
do you know what you say
Manufacturing passes
and everybody is asking
what we need today
I'll bring you new
and let's not huk
I have no luck
wellcome to new
I'll bring you new
and i'll recruit you
if you want to come with me
scream out the top of your loungs
i want to be free
and you sing
there is no huk
we have no luck
and just for once
you suddenly you are blind
and alone with your mind
and you say I'm free
can you say i'm free?
we understand
that it is difficult to
under the dreams of destruction
now strongest when you know it's true
I am asking you to go back
to the pyramidal tracks
of way you know you do not like
acknowledge that his always been imparted to you
such high and love and sweet you grow
I that it's not far just hiding in the heart of the heart and all
embracing everything from arms to charms..yeah
I guess that crystals and beneath me
No..they're only subliminally punched away
we cannot read the ..
your giving in this world
fear transmission ya'll my girls and my boys
you are not the puppets or the slaves or the toys
we are working towards the mark
nothing else makes much senses
so i will continue on my mission with the risk'to be free
come with me and our goals are transperant to the sea
.. are parently .. to me
I'm free
come with me
I'm free
come with me
I'm free
Correct me in the comments if you think there is wrong lyrics.

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Recording in their Washington DC based studio, Rob Garza and Eric Hilton, better known as the international production and DJ duo Thievery Corporation, have released their fifth studio album, Radio Retaliation, through their independent music label ESL Music. The 15-track opus features the duo collaborating with a roster of International all-stars to create the strongest statement yet from Thievery Corporation.

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