Tech N9Ne

Songtext For ya l9ve Tech N9Ne


For ya l9ve

Strange Music Special Collection
KC Fixtures

4 a.m., to 8 a.m
I've been drinkin', poppin', goin' in
Keepin' ya love, goin' crazy for ya
Cigarettes, I'm out of blunts
I won't keep the party jumpin' for ya
Just for ya love
4 a.m., to 8 a.m., 1 a.m
Drinkin' shots to 2 a.m
3 a.m., smokin' more, you wanted more
Up until the party's over, she's out the door, yeah yeah

It's for ya love
It's for ya love, it's for ya love
It's for ya love
It's for ya love, it's for ya love
Yeah, I was gon' split the best part of my pain’ wit you
Had I knew you was a bitch I’d let the gang hitchu

You thought you had to keep her
Head doc when you puffin' on sativa
Never thought it'd be a reason to leave her, ya diva
Got the keys for ya love and ya leisure
It's lots of party in, can't nobody stop the car she in
Got the star, nobody tops your gnarly friend
You bought bars, then it's popped, the scars begin
Thots? Know nothing like lots of Rastafarians
Gotchu goin through emotions
When you find out there’s no devotion
Its you she’s ghosting when ya girl fled
Was playing in your head again and again in slow motion
Now you feeling anger, and got a grudge
Sick thinkin’ somebody hittin’ wit no glove
All because up under anger ain’t nothin’ but hurt up under that
You know it ain’t nothin’ but love

When you finally realize it ain't no us, you don't give no fucks
Cause the bitch turn around with your boys, givin' up your stuff
Ain't no trust, ain't no fuss
Cause everybody already know what's up
What you thought was the one ain't nothing but a slut
When I target other people involved and straight buss!
On mamas for all the dishonor you might catch a fed case
Really wanna see bloodshed for the parties in your bed?
Wanna pump a lot of lead up in they head space?
It's a blessing, bruh
When it don't matter who's sexin' her
Keep the vet in ya, but the women livin' dirty
What you think all the stress and aggressive for?

It's for ya love
It's for ya love, it's for ya love
It's for ya love
It's for ya love, it's for ya love
Yeah, I was gon' split the best part of my pain’ wit you
Had I knew you was a bitch I’d let the gang hitchu

Don't wanna blow without ya
Same nightmares, I wake up like I was just around ya
Another month and I might overdose if I 'get about ya
I'm goin' crazy, this ain't gang, so you just took it out me
Hell, you just took it out me
I'm just tryna bang, bang myself
With another little main thang that won't help
I just had sex all week, brand new freaks
I don't know they names, still can't sleep
And then you call me just to hear me lonely
Say you gon' pull up on me, then never show up on me

You selfish bitch, I bought these drugs
You didn't show up, you left me stuck
You left me stuck
Now I give up, I've had enough
Yeah, I was gon' split the best part of my pain’ wit you
Had I knew you was a bitch I’d let the gang hitchu
You selfish bitch, I called you up
To call your bluff, you didn't pick up
The phone, hold up
You wrong as fuck, you wrong as fuck
Yeah, I was gon' split the best part of my pain’ wit you
Had I knew you was a bitch I’d let the gang hitchu
Yeah, I was gon' split the best part of my pain’ wit you
Had I knew you was a bitch I’d let the gang hitchu

Tech N9ne, Marley Young
Real shit

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