
Songtext Follow me Belly


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Follow me

As I'm watching the world turn, I go nuts,
get sick to my stomach and throw up,
this that flow up, economy slow up,
poor people die while the rich get more bucks,
you know what, you too blind to see,
left behind who you are, for what you tryin' to be,
so all you really know, is them lies you read,
it's apparently ain't something you need eyes to see,
don't nobody give a fuck, the government is killin us,
tryin to take us out the streets, but the street is still in us,
I keep rollin, I swear I never give it up,
Im around till the Lord says send em up,
Ask around homie, belly is assured,
This aint just rap homie, you can tell us your all,
Son of a gangsta born with a rebellious heart,
And this is officially how the rebellion starts,

Just follow me, I'm the man that's leading ya,
Believe in me, I will believe in ya,
Stop eatin the shit that they feedin ya,
Watchin the news and believing the media,
Say I'm way too smart for that,
I got too much heart for that,
Repeat that, repeat that,
I'm way too smart for that,
I got too much heart for that,
Just follow me,

When the sunset and the moon come out,
Thats when my dudes come out,
That's when the goons comes out,
In the dark they know how to move about,
That's why my neighbours keep movin out,
I got my mind right homie to grind tight,
Changed up my life for more than just five mikes,
For my future I paid a high price,
Its kinda like if the blind could pass sight,
I see the truth clearly now, you hear me now,
This is the point where you smile,
Or when the tears comes out,
Love me or hate me,
The love is that made me,
Cause this dirty game tried to fuck me and rape me,
They thought that I would never be heard,
Now I get a generation hanging on to every word,
They thought they had me dead in a hearse,
well guess what,
now you witnessing my death and rebirth,

Just follow me, I'm the man that's leading ya,
Believe in me, I will believe in ya,
Stop eatin the shit that they feedin ya,
Watchin the news and believing the media,
Say I'm way too smart for that,
I got too much heart for that,
Repeat that, repeat that,
I'm way too smart for that,
I got too much heart for that,
Just follow me,

Lets just assume how you make your terror,
The rap marvel gay or the modern day jay gaevera,
How they paint them in your face, your terror,
Now they got me walk around feelin like I hate the mirror,
I was known for the ryhmious rappin,
Of them praying a lot more, so tsunami to happen,
Flashback, same place flying to Manhattan,
Of them urban signs since the time that happened,
Osama bin laden, Saddam and Iraq,
And the bombs, the war so peace is hard to imagine,
I can't keep my opinion inside,
I'm tryin to keep the innocent children and women alive,
Think about all the civilians that died,
Bush keeps tradin billion of dollars for millions of lives,
I'm the general of the face of the truth,
If you with me then, move quickly now,
Lace up your boots, just follow me,

Just follow me, I'm the man that's leading ya,
Believe in me, I will believe in ya,
Stop eatin the shit that they feedin ya,
Watchin the news and believing the media,
Say I'm way too smart for that,
I got too much heart for that,
Repeat that, repeat that,
I'm way too smart for that,
I got too much heart for that,
Just follow me

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