Snoop Dogg

Songtext Focused Snoop Dogg



Focus on me
Baby, can you focus on me?
Baby, can you focus on me?
Baby, can you focus on me?
Focus on me

So much smoke in the air, you can't see shit
Servin' Crip dick 'til the bitch sea sick
Bought everything, I don't lease shit, G shit
Workin' out so the fleece fit, cool
I'm on that who-you-wanna-be shit
West to East shit for all my dawgs and my Heathcliffs
Streets on tax so the heat's on my lap
When it's war, fuck the law, fuck it, bury me strapped
Money long as 21 Cadillacs
Matter fact, get it scratched like BattleCat
Hood politics, every real nigga battles that
Still standin' 'cause the way a nigga handled that
10 toes down, never actin' like a mark
Only nigga with a star that got put on at the Park, nigga
That's on the set, that's on my mama
I could still pull up at the Park, nigga

Focus on me
On God, I did that, I did that
Focus on me
10 toes, I did that, I did that
Focus on me
Every word I rapped, nigga, I lived that
Focus on me
Give it up, I did that, I did that

Gangbangers rejoice when they hear my voice
Pullin' up in Rolls Royce, the hood in full-force still
Realizing I'm the source still
The wrong move could get my boys killed
So I focus on me
Makin' sure this whole shit stay rollin'
And my baby boo neck stay frozen
Rich rollin', on the clock, non-stop
And my bank account sure shows it
Big mouth Crip and the bitch niggas can't close it
I was chosen
So don't worry 'bout mine, nigga, we good
And fuck what y'all think, "Free Suge"
Diamond in the back with the leather with the wood in it
Banged around the world, made sure I kept the hood in it
Yeah, one time for the king
And I still smoke a nigga like a big bag of weed
On moms

Focus on me
On God, I did that, I did that
Focus on me
10 toes, I did that, I did that
Focus on me
Every word I rapped, nigga, I lived that
Focus on me
Give it up, I did that, I did that

Focus on me
Baby, can you focus on me?
Baby, can you focus on me?
Baby, can you focus on me?
Baby, can you focus on me?
Baby, can you focus on me?

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