Aesop Rock

Songtext Float Aesop Rock



So I heard y'all wanna float...
yo, this fallen angel could stitch a wing with a shoestring
prime directive selects reflective aviation bathed in mood swing
I'm broke; I know a walking corpse that spit icicle dagger to slit throat
quicker than you can prove there's four letters in hope (h...o...p...e)
I paint a portrait of myself, bored life inside the tortoise shell
tortured, orbiting Hell's orchid, intrigued but not compelled
I smell a hint of charred child flesh sweeping through my corridor
more than one canteen, a liquid caffeine and eclipse the slaughters
now ? is the villain of my Kabuki hologram
as I hobble with hollow hands, please pin the nozzle
we see intent to reinvent dream application with homage to ancients
but honor modern replacements circling now basics, fresh
I'm Bilbo Baggins, with stilts tippin' the peatree dish
beached fish on the shores with a feast of wits eats the corpse
divy the servings and study the traits that deemed killer breed credible
that's a harp of a different color, yeah, but the song remains identical
I am not a crook (crook)
I cook the wick at both ends just to blend that element of chance with my
tight rope leaf
life, sight beyond, I reign where hunger pain got begone
elong to something civil saint 'cause this Rembrandt paints on
and it's a tall canvas, lodged in the gut of Atlantis
I'm pretend(?), impressive lungs, some truly learn what a death chant is
I alone personify man kinds collective soul
as the result of one angry Zeus fist blistering pulp cult evoked
face it, place it on the shelf next to the portrait Mommy gave you
and the day it rains but y'all pose by the slave ship anyway (how sweet)
make it rain 'till the lead be grain
my face is a combine of Father Tom and his sweetest concubine
whine, and it saddens me like televised casualties
I'll be hung in the village square in exactly five minutes
you don't want to miss it
I've been soaking up my discontent regarding the equation
I'm officially closed for consultation
I float
when everyone around me's busy drowning, I float
when everyone around me's busy drowning, I float
when everyone around me's busy drowning, I float

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