Slim Thug

Songtext Flipping on 4's Slim Thug


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Der musikalische text FLIPPING ON 4'S von SLIM THUG ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Hogg life, vol. 2: still surviving (2015)

Hogg life, vol. 2: still surviving


Flipping on 4's

Money, hoes, and clothes
Blunt smoke coming out the nose, is all a nigga knows
Flipping on foes, putting
Watching the stash grow, clocking the cash flow
Money, hoes, and clothes
Blunt smoke coming out the nose, is all a nigga knows
Flipping on foes, putting
Watching the stash grow, clocking the cash flow

Money, hoes and clothes, is all a nigga know
And I been saying that shit since back in '04
Born in the hood but refuse to stay broke
Had to get rich, got tired of selling dope
Grind into the top now my momma living good
Living them dreams we was having in the hood
Boys better quit tripping and get up on their paper
Stop saving these hoes and avoid all these haters
Can't kick they ass nowadays they'll sue
When under pressure Your best friends telling on you
Where them bitches at, I keep plenty dimes
Money, hoes and clothes is all in my mind

Money, hoes, and clothesBlunt smoke coming out the nose, is all a nigga knows
Flipping on foes, putting
Watching the stash grow, clocking the cash flow
Money, hoes, and clothes
Blunt smoke coming out the nose, is all a nigga knows
Flipping on foes, putting tags on toes
Watching the stash grow, clocking the cash flow

I speak the truth, never tell you lies
Still a hunnid ain't switch like them other guys
New year new levels of this boss life
Hopping out the drive rows like, suprise
And now them haters can't believe they eyes
Swear I wasn't gonna be shit, bitch apologize
Wanna see me lose, but a nigga still winning
Wanna see me stop but them 4's still spinnin'
Went from cheering for a nigga to being a hater
The gift in the curse of getting this paper
See ya later broke niggas I got new neighbors
Plus its cause I'm still getting new paper

Money, hoes, and clothes
Blunt smoke coming out the nose, is all a nigga knows
Flipping on foes, putting
Watching the stash grow, clocking the cash flow
Money, hoes, and clothes
Blunt smoke coming out the nose, is all a nigga knows
Flipping on foes, putting tags on toes
Watching the stash grow, clocking the cash flow

Now look who creeping, look who crawling
Look who still balling in the mix
Still sticking long dick in your bitch
Your section full of niggas, my section full of hoes
At the club tryna fight, what you mad for
Everybody who I know mad mad cause they broke
I came to sell a grade, I made mills and making mo'
Meek free, DJ gonna play that intro
And everything he named on it but that lambo
Cause I couldn't fix same shit with yo bitch
You ain't gotta spit game to em when you getting rich
If I ain't broke boy then gonna fix ya

Money, hoes, and clothes
Blunt smoke coming out the nose, is all a nigga knows
Flipping on foes, putting
Watching the stash grow, clocking the cash flow
Money, hoes, and clothes
Blunt smoke coming out the nose, is all a nigga knows
Flipping on foes, putting tags on toes
Watching the stash grow, clocking the cash flow

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