Smoke Dza

Songtext Fiscal thoughts Smoke Dza


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Der musikalische text FISCAL THOUGHTS von SMOKE DZA ist auch in dem Album vorhanden A closed mouth don't get fed (2020)

A closed mouth don't get fed


Fiscal thoughts

DZA, uh

Constantly paid dues like [?]
Whole 'nother story, now we on page two
Trial and error, happy that phase flew
Mama be cancelin' shit off the stage too
Thank God for sellin' 'em life angels
I just prayed for good health and bang tool
All 'em plays, home safe, trust and thankful
All 'em days tryna figure out my angle

Dollars on my mind (That's right)
Shawty, wait for me (Uh)
I'm just tryna get the bottle, shawty wait for me
I'm just tryna get the water, shawty wait for me
Dollars on my mind
Shawty, wait for me
I'm just tryna get the bottle, shawty wait for me (Uh)
I'm just tryna get the water, shawty wait for me
Dollars on my mind
Trappin' heavy, livin' good (Uh), take my mama out the hood (Uh)
Just be patient if you could
I got the dollars on my mindTrappin' heavy, livin' good (Uh), take my mama out the hood (Uh)
Just be patient if you could
I got the dollars on my mind

I probably failed your assessment, pardon my check in (Uh)
But I been gettin' to the money for a second
Had to double back, still as planned
I'm off the techin'
To perfection, nothin' less than
Strong urbs, long furs, no cap (Uh)
I know he's tryna reach me, I promise I'd call back
I been back and forth all of the globe, that's off rap (Off rap)
All facts (All facts) and all caps
I love you with ya wake up face before the makeup face
Them drunk nights when you wake up late
Binge watch and secure, just to lay [?]
It's a us thing, trust thing, never was me (Uh)
If I ever sold you 'gain, then we never would be (Uh)
Put my best foot forward for the better of we
Forever be together but forever it will be

Dollars on my mind (Uh, right)
Shawty, wait for me
I'm just tryna get the bottle (Right), shawty wait for me
I'm just tryna get the water, shawty wait for me (Right)
Dollars on my mind
(Uh) Shawty, wait for me
I'm just tryna get the bottle, shawty wait for me (Really)
I'm just tryna get the water, shawty wait for me
Dollars on my mind
Trappin' heavy, livin' good (Right), take my mama out the hood (Right)
Just be patient if you could (Right)
I got the dollars on my mind
-Heavy, livin' good (Uh), take my mama out the hood (Uh)
Just be patient if you could (Uh)
I got the (Uh) dollars on my mind

Really, I hate to be so self centered about coin
But me gettin' euros overseas ain't foreign
Just booked a vacation, [?]
Flyin' domestic is while boring
Frequent flyin', we cloud tourin'
We out growin' Miami (Ooh)
Somewhere in the Maldives or in [?]
If you want money, you understand me (No)
You hear me? Big nigga, five star cuisine, no end [?] (Wow)
[?] if they be actually unbossin' my shit (Ah)
They can't [?] me the academy, I [?] the boy, road cramps
The average player hater can't stand me
The limes super lemon, I rode [?], uh
I ain't rockin' with nobody 'less it's family
It's a us thing, trust thing, never was me (Right)
If I ever sold you 'gain, then we never would be (Right)
Put my best foot forward for the better of we
Forever be together but forever it will be

Dollars on my mind (Right)
Shawty, wait for me
I'm just tryna get the bottle, shawty wait for me (Right)
I'm just tryna get the water, shawty wait for me
Dollars on my mind
(Uh huh) Shawty, wait for me
I'm just tryna get the bottle (Uh huh), shawty wait for me
I'm just tryna get the water, shawty wait for me
Dollars on my mind
Trappin' heavy, livin' good (Uh huh), (Uh) take my mama out the hood
Just be patient if you could (Uh)
I got them dollars on my mind
-Heavy, livin' good, take my mama out the hood
Just be patient if you could
I got the dollars on my mind

Yeah I got
Yeah, baby, I got you, shawty
Fuck with me though!
[?] tissue
I get my math, [?] the intro
Fuck what you know, fuck what you been through
Chase brown skin bitches that chase green!

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