Destiny'S Child

Songtext Feel the same way i do Destiny'S Child


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Feel the same way i do

[Spoken Kelly:]
You know, we've been spending a lot of time together and um, I was wondering do you:
(Feel the same way I do)
I can tell you, I know you need me to show you, but, it's better if I hear it from you.
You know what, let me explain myself.

[Verse 1 Kelly:]
It's 7 am you're still here with me, and last night I held you tightly so.
What does that mean, you see I know what it means to me.
It means that I, I, wouldn't let you go.
Tell me, is your heart still spinning from the night before?
(You are real good yeah).
And you really need to let me know are you here just for, (sexual dealings).
See if you are then, (I), I just can't live a, (lie), cause I'm certain how I feel about you.
But if you tell me, (I), am the one and this is, (right), then we can spend the night tonight like always.
But first you, gotta tell me

[Chorus Kelly:]
That you (Feel the same way I do)
Don't think you know, that I won't let you know unless you (Feel the same way I do)
So if you tell me what I gotta do, before I get caught up in you.
Do you really (Feel the same way I do)
So tell me, tell me, us can be a good thing.
But you gotta (Feel the same way I do) do.

[Verse 2 Bee:]
So now it midnight, haven't heard a reply.
But I can see the truth lies in your eyes.
Could it be that you tried, but I didn't see the sunset pass me by, when you were making love to me.
Said it three times, (you said) you love me, (after) you held me.
But then you never even said goodnight.
(Anything I ask of you) you give it, (when you wanted me) I submitted, still no commitment, but if I don't get it then,
(I) I just can't live a (lie), cause I'm certain how I feel about you.
But if you tell me, (I), I am the one and this is, (right), you can spend the night tonight like always.
Long as you first tell me

[Chorus Bee:]
That you (Feel the same way I do)
Don't think you know, that I won't let you know unless you (Feel the same way I do)
So if you tell me what I gotta do, before I get caught up in you.
Do you really (Feel the same way I do)
So tell me, tell me, this could be a good thing.
But you gotta (Feel the same way I do)

[Bridge Mich:]
Ooh I see your eyes, and I hear you calling.
When you're speaking and I need to hear something.
First thing I wanna hear (I've been meaning to tell you something).
The second thing is (If I can't have you I don't want nothing).

[Spoken man & Kelly:]
Who that knockin' at my door this time of night?
Ooh oh, hey baby.
What you doing over here so late?
I wanted to tell you somethin'.
I just, I don't know how to tell you right.
Do you have anything you want to say?
Alright, you know what, I love you

Feel the same way I do. [X3]

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In the late 90s and early 00s, Destiny's Child were one of the biggest pop groups in the world, dominating radio airwaves and charts with their distinctive sassy R&B. Originally a four-piece, internal problems caused line-up changes at the height of the group's success. After carrying on as a trio, Destiny's Child announced their split during a world tour in 2005, with each member happy to pursue their solo careers instead.

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