
Songtext Face of danger Morcheeba


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Face of danger

By the skin of my teeth, by the sweat of my brow
I made it through, but you don't know how
When it's a matter of life or death
I'll drag it out so don't hold your breath

Put me in danger and I feel no fear
Take something from me and I'll shed no tears
I'm self-contained and I want what I need
You have to work hard just to see me bleed

Oh, laughing in the face of danger
Oh, in this passion of a stranger
Oh, laughing in the face of danger
Oh, in this passion of a stranger
Yeah, I don't need your love
Yeah, I'm gonna spill your blood

Sliding down on a slippery slope
Inside see that there are no ropes

I have to confess that I feel no shame
I'm gonna have fun playing out this game

It's true that the dead men tell no tales
I'll be the judge when you tip the scales
Where's the intelligence that comes with age
I don't need religion or a self-help sage

Oh, laughing in the face of danger
Oh, in this passion of a stranger
Oh, laughing in the face of danger
Oh, in this passion of a stranger
Yeah, I don't need your love
Yeah, I'm gonna spill your blood

My path is to race against the anger
In the past when I’ve laughed in the face of danger
I’ve been asked to embrace a stranger
As I leave into the grass of my sexed-up neighbors

A rash as I race from nations
As I walk a straight path in a wasted nation
See me defend in at worst of places
In an effort to suppress & to test my patience, but

I make immovable objects
Hoping to get them moving in an immovable context
They confess like a thief in the night
For a foundation when they’re deep as behind the dog cat fights

You’re always trying to sabotage
Dressed in camouflage
Double down the laws trying to burn like a camouflage
Fill a prescription like a doctor
No one led by this fool that thinks we shall prosper

Oh, laughing in the face of danger
Oh, in this passion of a stranger
Oh, laughing in the face of danger
Oh, in this passion of a stranger
Yeah, I don’t need your love
Yeah, I'm gonna spill your blood

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Morcheeba were formed in London in 1995 by musicians Paul and Ross Godfrey, joined by singer Skye Edwards. The band's style has evolved over their career, from the trip-hop beginnings of 1995's Who Can You Trust (which includes the single \"Trigger Hippie\" used in the film Enemy of the State) to the million selling follow-up, Big Calm.

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