Nardo Wick

Songtext Excuse my french Nardo Wick


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Der musikalische text EXCUSE MY FRENCH von NARDO WICK ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Who is nardo wick?? (deluxe) (2022)

Who is nardo wick?? (deluxe)


Excuse my french

One, two, three

They said the pool was closed, I jumped the gate and still dove in
Pirate on that boat, we slangin' iron to get what's golden
She think she slick, she want me to give her one, she hear my Trojan
She think she me, she keep tellin' me she wicked like my song says
I love the gang, I kill for 'em like Rico kill for Ace (Yeah)
I love my gang, I'll never do 'em like Rico did his Ace
El?ven cars right, they mad as hell
"This nigga had a Ac??"
Do that boy dirty, let Miss Lenord say, "They shot him in the face?" (Grrah, grrah, grrah, grrah)

Excuse my French, all these niggas hoes
Excuse my French, all these niggas bitches
Excuse my French, I got a lot of hoes
Excuse my French, I got a lot of— Hold on, hold on, hold on
Excuse my French, these niggas hoes
Excuse my French, these niggas bitches
Excuse my French, got a lot of hoes
Excuse my French, got a lot of bitches
Excuse my French, I'm rich as fuck
Excuse my French, this bitch bad
Excuse my French (Ayy, yo' pussy good)
Excuse my French (That shit trash)
Excuse my French (Yeah, you suck it good, you go slow or fast?)

Heard somebody angry, well, you can get her back
[?] fuck nigga that— Damn, I said it wrong
That fuck nigga dead, know we blew his ass

Pork chops in the van, this ain't no food fight
Lot of grass stuffed in the trunk, this ain't no lawn show
Pull up moving shit, but, this is not no tow truck
Durango cap, Corvette, he thought this was a slow truck
He tried to run that slow, caught him a bullet, wasn't slow enough
Yeah, I post a lot, "Nigga, post more," they say I do not show enough
I don't smile a lot, nigga, that's just me
What the fuck I look like, Avatar?

Grrah, grrah, grrah, grrah
Skin on my face
Grrah, grrah, grrah, grrah
Skin on my face
Grrah, grrah, grrah, grrah
Skin on my face
Grrah, grrah, grrah, grrah
Skin on my face

Goin' through screeches, screeches, screeches
Screeches, screeches, screeches
Brand you chain, that bitch blingin'
Brand new chop', that bitch swingin'
She say, "Nardo, why you leavin'?"
'Cause I just released my semen
They like how I match my fabrics
They say I that I be the cleaners
They say me and V unfair
They say we be double teamin'
He come through and make it dirty
I come behind and do the cleanin'
We hit that whip a week ago, they say the doot still steamin'
I hit that ho a year ago, she callin', say she still feindin'
Diamond teeth, my teeth freezin'
Diamond tooth, my tooth froze
All these bitches just alike, new episode, same season
Just shot at you at 19, it's 22, he still breathin'
"I'ma step if niggas know I'm comin'," Why the fuck he still breathin'?
They told me he killed the cup, but, this nigga still leanin'
I don't even like the Challengers, but, I'm finna buy a me
What you mean, "Buy you?"
Bro, I'm finna buy a Demon
Blue stain on my white pants, all these hundreds in my jeans

Excuse my French, all these niggas hoes
Excuse my French, all these niggas bitches
Excuse my French, I got a lot of hoes
Excuse my French, I got a lot of— Hold on, hold on, hold on
Excuse my French, these niggas hoes
Excuse my French, these niggas bitches
Excuse my French, got a lot of hoes
Excuse my French, got a lot of bitches
Excuse my French, these niggas hoes
Excuse my French, these niggas bitches
Excuse my French, got a lot of hoes
Excuse my French, got a lot of bitches

Huh, I'm wicked
I'm wicked
I'm wicked
I'm wicked
I'm wicked

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