Denzel Curry

Songtext Equalizer Denzel Curry


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Equalizer, synthesizer
Ultimately, I will brutalize ya
I got the shit that could take out New York
I do not fuck with the population
Contemplation killing competition
Confrontation, reevaluation
You don't want to see the revelation
Straps looking like a lederhosen

Stop, doctor said he couldn't hold on
Cut, motherfucker I am Logan
N-I-G-G-A Attila The Hun
Mixed with Bishop Magic Juan
I got the fuckin' magic wand
I am the ugly, I am so ugly
With the face, only ya mother could love me
Nothing is lovely, only get loneliness
Phoniness, only resides on the tongue
Sun is never radiant, coming undone
So instantaneous, it is begun
No way escaping it thoughSuicide thoughts with the murder I wrote
Death from anonymous, broken my promises
Feeling that I will return later on
Fuck it, it's Halo, I wouldn't respawn

Equalizer, synthesizer
Ultimately, I will brutalize ya
I got the shit that could take out New York
I do not fuck with the population
Contemplation killing competition
Confrontation, reevaluation
You don't want to see the revelation
Straps looking like a lederhosen

I fucked that bitch, she's a fake, yuh
I got the drugs in my vape, yuh
Niggas straight [?] late, yuh
All of your diamonds is fake, yuh
Most of these niggas is waste, yuh
I got the session in case, yuh
New burly king with the fade
Keep my bitches like my diamonds, in place, yuh
Ice bag on my nuts
Watch what I've been on
Birch trees on my chest
Put that [?], yuh
I fucked that bitch right to sleep, yuh
I gotta battle my friends
I have got no time to waste
I hit a lick, I hit a lick
I hit a lick, it not real
Check my account and I double up
I make them bands in the day
I make them bands in the day, yuh
I hit a lick, it not real
Check my account and I double up
I make them bands in the day
I make them bands in the day, yuh
Watch the way that I flex, yuh
Shawty want me cause I'm next, yuh
She grab my wave, my [?], yuh
Look, now her panties are wet, yuh
Ah, yuh, ride my waves
Yeah, I'm paid
Ah, yuh, ride my waves
Yeah, I'm pai-

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