Smoke Dza

Songtext Drug trade Smoke Dza


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Drug trade

Yeah, uh
RFC, really
My son Viyal asked me if had my tap dance shoes on
I said I'm motherfuckin' Gregory Hines, nigga
Yeah, uh

Them be the locks, then take it upstate
I had the product and in a week the numbers fluctuate
A couple dollars, make sure you holler when your buck straight
My little guala dropped out of college, chose a drug trade
Filled up his wallet, couldn't acknowledge how he'd upgraded
This that uptown flow that got us hatin', right
It took reach to reach to this point, the numbers
So good made six off each joint, right
You search for deals, I broker with fawns
Locals can't flow with the don
Talkin' 'cross the pond, not Boca Raton
Foreign cars, I don't got a complex, arm stretched
.40 cal' laid on the armrest for conflict
Bustdown Cubans' my prom set, the charm Lex
Pushed the button playin' with Congress, the wrong bet
I bomb threat niggas, junior hustlers
I armpit, give 'em work, put 'em through the gauntlet

Drug farms, higher prices mean the flood's on
Need bigger scales to put the bud on
Gloves on, strictly business mean the love's gone
I met the plug then put my plug on
Drug farms, higher prices mean the flood's on
Need bigger scales to put the bud on
Gloves on, strictly business mean the love's gone
I met the plug then put my plug on, uh

Scenes of adolescence, lessons; they've been embedded in
My aggression never frettin', other niggas I'm better than
Wish I failed, fish with scales, higher numbers I'm reckonin'
Pharmaceutical usuals, they be married to medicine
In they flow they embellishin', don't insult my intelligence
Tell a friend they can tell a friend, just addressin' the elephants
Faded, I'm in my element, I gotta eat, keep the receipts (What?)
I got a set of twins, kept the hunger, kicked in the door
I had to let us in, my caliber got me thinkin' on a higher algebra
Different devils come with heavy metal, not Metallica
This my house, this home alone New York, I'm Kev' McCallister
Heard these motherfuckers wanted bars, I gave 'em Attica, it's addin' up
Flossin', I pray for the weak, caution awakenin' beasts
Baggin' up super stickies, then washin' my hands for a week
Cipherin' through the cypher, all I see a handful of creeps

Drug farms, higher prices mean the flood's on
Need bigger scales to put the bud on
Gloves on, strictly business mean the love's gone
I met the plug then put my plug on (The legendary goddamn)
Drug farms, higher prices mean the flood's on (Uh)
Need bigger scales to put the bud on (Ayo)
Gloves on, strictly business mean the love's gone (Legendary, goddamn)
I met the plug then put my plug on (I said)

Ayo, low disposition, winters of another pang of black
'Fore I take this shit to the temple, another chamber for the network
Award winning composer, arranger, rapper's net worth
It's prolly in my closet on a hanger, these fools
Is out of pocket, they pussy as Joe Exotic, it's cool
Philly be fuckin' wit' Pro Tools over Logic at night
We might surface for just the right purchase
My main purpose is keepin' shit connected like cursive
In any room, assume I'm as real as any nigga there
And black as Huey Newton coolin' in the wicker chair
Look it here, ya'll just play the field like a brigadier
I get deeper than a Navy SEAL, tell your engineer to run
Here that onion come, every bar is one-to-one
Comin' from where everybody tucks like a cummerbund
Used to push the Range Rover truck, that was cumbersome
I had to give it up like when Jane's give the drummer some
The hammer gargantuan, God, it's hard dancin' with
Philly nigga ask "What's good?", you know the answer is
Cancerous, got game like a televangelist
Kidnap your track, Smoke tell 'em what the ransom is
Choke rappers with a thunderbolt while they under oath
One shot, one kill, one approach, ain't nobody comin' close
Far as lyricism, just a couple ghosts
Rapper think they make it to my level? No, the fuck you won't

Listen, I am the legendary goddamn
Yeah, the legendary goddamn
Ayo, the legendary goddamn
Uh, let's get it, man

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