
Songtext Doja $not


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Der musikalische text DOJA von $NOT ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Ethereal (2022)




Niggas got me fucked up
No cap
Yuh, yuh (Dee B got that heat)

Why these niggas talkin' fuckin' shit?
I-I-I told 'em pipe down, I don't need no little bitch (Huh?)
I'll fuck that bitch named Doja Cat, pull up in a Scat Pack (Haha)
Windows tinted all black (Go, go), bulletproof and all that (Go)

Fuck that, fuck you
Fuck that, fuck you, fuck that

Bro, I'm posted like a bandit, choppa take your fucking candy (Huh?)
Fuck your ho I'll leave her stranded, come and get her, she just landed (Haha)
I got stamina, I be that soldier, that will damage ya' (Huh?)
Four-five just let it go, push a nigga that want smoke (Boom, Dee B got that heat)
He want smoke? Let me know, I got smoke like Bobby Hill (Boom boom)
Jack and Jill, rocket pills, Perky make him fuckin' choke (Yeah)
I be spazzed out, passed out, talk your shit, change routes (Go)
Meet your fate, extendo clip, .38 to your face (Oof)
It's okay, choppa spray, it's gon' fuck your bitch today (Roof)
I'm a demon, I be dashin', got no fashion, that bitch braggin' (Yeah)
Stop that cappin' with no action, I be laughin', ain't no stressin' (Haha)
Smith & Wesson when I'm steppin', try to black out them sticks (Go)
You a funny, you get blitzed (Go), walk around, I'm like a lick (Go)
Lollipop, you get shot, pick your body up and drop (Haha)

(Dee B got that heat)
Man, them niggas got me
Them niggas got me
Them niggas got me fucked up

Why these niggas talkin' fuckin' shit?
I-I-I told 'em pipe down, I don't need no little bitch (Huh?)
I'll fuck that bitch named Doja Cat, pull up in a Scat Pack (Haha)
Windows tinted all black (Go, go), bulletproof and all that (Go)

Fuck that, fuck you
Fuck that, fuck you, fuck that

Army boots, army bomber jacket
Like, what's happening, cunt? (Huh)
Lay your hand upon my fabric
Then we scrappin', cunt (Uh)
Broad day wave a automatic
Like, what's hannenin'? (Fuck that)
My pistol rick and raf’ing
And it's matching with my fashion (Uh)
Silly cunt, down town, up town, really where we from (Woah)
Call my slatt, call my slag, fuck you jackin'?
Call the lads tell them order foreign gas, now we battlin'
Tried to tell you it's more than rap
Hold the mic with my right
Throw a jab or autograph
Throw a dab with my left and all of that (All that, all of that)
Watch them sprint like they white? (White)
Like my windows with that tint
Invite your widow to my tent
I fuck my first MILF at like ten
Don't want no fishbowl in that bitch
I need my windows five percent

(Dee B got that heat)
Man, them niggas got me
Them niggas got me
Them niggas got me fucked up

Why these niggas talkin' fuckin' shit?
I-I-I told 'em pipe down, I don't need no little bitch (Huh?)
I'll fuck that bitch named Doja Cat, pull up in a Scat Pack (Haha)
Windows tinted all black (Go, go), bulletproof and all that (Go)

Fuck that, fuck you
Fuck that, fuck you, fuck that

Fuck that, fuck that, fuck that, fuck that
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you

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