Chance The Rapper

Songtext Doctor oz Chance The Rapper


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Doctor oz

I want a Letterman jacket so bad that it hurts
And I hate my mom 'cause she makes me wear these shirts
I go to school just to get picked on
Every day they make me feel like I don't belong
They hate me because I'm different
The adults surround me, they don't hear me, they ain't listening
To get love you gotta be popular, I'd love to see my name one day in the '
But I'mma need some basketball shorts, a cheerleader, too, and a basketball shirt
A box of Newports and a Gatorade sport and a new pair of Jordans in a basketball court
Then the girl who will find me attractive
Love for my peers, you know, the whole package
I've got the code for happiness and I could crack it
And all of this comes with the Letterman jacket

As they all grow older the truth will be understood
'Cause we never turn up the way we thought we would

I want a new nose and a brand new car
Package on myself, it seem the way so far
I wanna be loved, I want a new scar
A Botox mind and a silicone heart
We got collagen in celebs and lypo-suck stars
I'm just looking for my own Wizard of Oz
To give me courage, forget the plan
Give me a straight nose and take away pain
Give me a big but and little bitty waist
Give me some glory with a prettier face
Give me a bottle of tequila and a cup, don't smug
Give me the camera, give me a new face per profile
Give me big breasts and some tight clothes
And a half of boyfriend in France and just pose for the stones
And we'll be loved, just wait
Please, doctor Oz, can you make my nose straight?

As they all grow older the truth will be understood
'Cause we never turn up the way we thought we would

I want a football, I wanna be thuggin'
Fuck it, I want an easy-bake oven
I wanna be loved by my dad but my dad said he can't love no fag
So I'mma have to hid who my real self is
And hide who I like but I can't help it
Doctor Oz, can you make me not gay?
Make me normal and take this pain away
'Cause when you're disdained, every day it rains
And I don't wanna be better, I just wanna be the same
Mister Oz, I wanna live in a normal way
Normal according to those other that pray
But your blessings and eagles just take character away
So I'd rather be different in a similar way
Being gay is cool with me so let me say
Fuck a football, I'll take an easy-bake any day

As they all grow older the truth will be understood
'Cause we never turn up the way we thought we would

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