
Songtext Do not disturb Vory


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Do not disturb

Take a trip and put your phone on Do Not Disturb
Putting in OT but you keep working my nerves
Not trying to go back and forth 'bout who hurt who first
You ain't gotta question it, go, baby, it's yours

How am I under thirty? I make 30 thirty times
How you do me dirty and play victim blows my mind
I was scarred from issues, you said it would heal in time
Tryna hide your past up in the dark but come up out into the light
You ain't livin' right
I know if I brought it up tonight, we in for one hell of a night
Tryna do you right
Tryna do you wrong

I know if I text a friend to bring her friend, I'll leave with one tonight
You should call that nigga that you love so bad and sleep with him tonight
Two wrongs don't make a right
You should text your friends in that group chat and say he finally made it
My friends told me leave you in the back, can't lie, I contemplated
Always hang by my side doing such and such, I'm concentrated
Even for the name and for the fame, gon' rock with nothing basic

She one hell of a run if I lace up these ASICS (Aye)
She don't like my life, I tell her leave or face it (Yeah)
Way before I knew Meek, I had a dream and chased it (Aye, yeah)

Switched my ex out for my next
Switched out the Bentley for the 'Vette
Exchange my life for my respect
I've been through hell and been neglected
I've been in the booth a couple hours, I'm restless

If she come by the room, she get devoured, I'm breathless
Just yesterday, I got head from her friend
Tryna cut her out but it ain't go as planned
I say, "Don't talk to me, come out the panties"
I say, "Don't talk to me, come pop a Xanny"
That's my bro, let's keep it in the family

Yeah, let's go

Never let 'em pull my card, it gon' come out the hip for me
I see he in designer, lil' bro go knock off his drip for me
I told her put her phone on DND, don't give no lip to me
And I know they gon' hate, don't give no company to misery

Take a trip and put your phone on Do Not Disturb
Putting in OT but you keep working my nerves
Not trying to go back and forth 'bout who hurt who first
You ain't gotta question it, go, baby, it's yours

Get money, fuck bitches, get money, fuck bitches
I'm like Pac, I got a wife and a mistress

When she talk about other rappers, it be gettin' on my nerves
Ain't worried about her heart, I'm just in love with her curves
I'm staying with what we got, I don't know who else to serve
Got a brand-new Maybach built so long it look like a hearse
I think they here to stay, these demons live in my mind
Need a case for all my watches and I still ain't on time
Love the feeling when I'm going and I know that she mine
And I'm barely thirty but I made a mil' thirty times (Yeah)

And I know I ain't livin' right
Feeling dead inside, I count up dead guys and they give me life
And I see 'em going left but I'm with my brother on the right
And my panoramic ceiling let me see the stars at night

Take a trip and put your phone on Do Not Disturb
Putting in OT but you keep working my nerves
Not trying to go back and forth 'bout who hurt who first
You ain't gotta question it, go, baby, it's yours

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