
Songtext Dissentient Angelmaker


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Der musikalische text DISSENTIENT von ANGELMAKER ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Dissentient (2015)




Sought to ensue the bloodlust of your false integrity
Your masses, Sheppard fences will not save you from me
I lick my lips with the taste of vengeance tainted by your Ignorance

The blindness of the common man
A product of the holy land
We don’t need live your lies

We’ll seize you when you're sleeping, bite the neck to stop the breathing
Feel the fear suffocating, drowning from the blood you’re bleeding
Corpses of your mangled kin, punished by my fangs
My will shall bring your reckoning, punished by my power

Your hate means nothing to me
Your words won’t make me weak
Closed eyes, closed minds
All your weakened minds
Feeding off these fucking lies

I took a toll for all the torment that you put me through
Now you’ll pray to me
As the storm approaches
I will show no mercy
As I welcome you into the woods at night
Jealousy struck upon a suffering colony
Will only be uplifted together
For we have witnessed
Weakness, distraught lies
That’s all you ever preach
Sickness, falter, pain
Faceless and insecure
All you’ll ever find
Is cowards always die
So try to run and hide

Follow the leader and become the fool
Your weakened minds all drown in the red pool
Wasted science
Wasted life
I’m drenched in disappointment time after time

Be weary where you walk for us wolves will be sure behind
We despise why you are alive
We long to feast on your flesh
No one gets out alive
No one gets out alive

And when I walk among them
They hate me for what I am
How can one judge a wolf?
When they are just a lamb

And as the storm approaches and the walls are crashing down
I will let you run and hide, so try not to be found
We know your hiding with your lies they will not help you to survive
So try to run and hide, no one gets out alive

Be weary where you walk for us wolves will be sure behind
We despise why you are alive
We long to feast on your flesh
No one gets out alive
No one gets out alive

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