Mike Will Made It

Songtext Different breed Mike Will Made It


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Der musikalische text DIFFERENT BREED von MIKE WILL MADE IT ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Different breed (2024)

Different breed


Different breed

Baby a different breed and I stand on it (stand on it)
Therefore, won't hesitate to spend some bands on it (cash)
Wanted me to take her home, you shoulda said something
We be balling too hard, ain't no bench warming
Do a snow angel, but do it in the money
Make this shit look easy, she really got a tongue ring
She know how to treat me, she really into me
Gave her 7 digits, she chirped instantly

She was dancing in a three point
Tryna hit my weed, tryna catch herself a free joint
I'ma send Prada invoice
I been making money off the i
Phone and the Android (hello?)
You gotta see the view from my standpoint
Copped the new Ferrari like a Matchbox toy
Got her toes done, now she like to let her legs point
50k just to get the girl moist
I think the Givenchy look better on me
Shawty went back black, she was a blondie
She say shopping sprees is her hobby
If I hit that, dinner on me

Baby a different breed and I stand on it (stand on it)
Therefore, won't hesitate to spend some bands on it (cash)
Wanted me to take her home, you shoulda said something
We be balling too hard, ain't no bench warming
Do a snow angel, but do it in the money
Make this shit look easy, she really got a tongue ring
She know how to treat me, she really into me
Gave her 7 digits, she chirped instantly

Yeah, coming in hot, I ain't doing no bench warming
Pop out with another one I thought she said something
Talking from the bleachers, I won't let them get to me
I came in the game, and then the rest was history
Yuh, baby I been ballin'
I'm a problem, that's for sure
If I ain't on the court, then I ain't going back and forth (What)
And I feel like Jokic, don't even try and sell me short
Why they put it on the net? I told them put it on the floor (Huh)
Thank you to my fans in the stands (Huh, Huh)
Let me see your hands, see you dance (Huh, Huh)
I feel like the man
I'm that girl, is what I'm saying
I feel bad for my opponents, tell them sorry in advance

Baby, a different breed, and I stand on it (stand on it)
Therefore, won't hesitate, to spend some bands on it (cash)
Wanted me to take her home, you shoulda said something
We be balling too hard, ain't no bench warming
Do a snow angel, but do it in the money
Make this shit look easy, she really got a tongue ring
She know how to treat me, she really into me
Gave her 7 digits, she chirped instantly

I think the Givenchy looks better on me
Ice chain shining on a homie
Gas pack got me like a zombie
With an ass like that, sit her on me

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