
Songtext Diesel power Prodigy


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Diesel power

Yo, I used to check out lyrics upon the format
Build with skill with technique. computer a-dat

My lyrical form is clouds on your brainstorm
I get hyped think thought flow. acrobat, sink the track, pump the track

Dance missions,clubs like spores react by. strong visions
And hurrying more. reflects on the dancefloor

Flow it up and having now people showing up
Packing crowds jam packed venues
Needles collapse, while atmosphere continues

Sprinkle that,
Winnin' like that, movin'like that, hittin' like that
The melody is phat

Yeah, I'm on the energy source
The cosmic force
With prodigy
Kicking astrology
My intellect's the power

With diesel power
Blows your mind drastically, fantastically
Blows your mind drastically, fantastically
Blows your mind drastically, fantastically
Blows your mind drastically, fanta..

We spin back rewind. diesel power
Blows your mind drastically, fantasically

It has to be, automatically
Check it out. you better work it out
Change to another bug

My techniques, strategies, abilities.
I leave cords of mikes hanging like spring lees

You would try so fast. beyond the human eye
Lyrical tactics, vocal gymnastics

E's and pepped up
You get swept up
Smacked up, backed up, your crew's all cracked up

Checking flow
Quick choose quick
You can't stick
My medical brain's a stranger's angles

You get tangled. twisting side effects us
Channels repeat, complete. can't compete

Check that our texture
Mind adventure
Exploit the point
It attracts to devour
My intellectual seed

With diesel power
Blows your mind drastically, fantastically
Blows your mind drastically, fantastically
Blows your mind drastically, fantastically
Blows your mind drastically, fanta...

Back attack
And wack patch you're faxing me
You don't want none

High quality acts should be still standing
Damaging your other manic
Quick reverse

Bolting as the first verse
My amplifier blows on your world's higher
World's sire

Cuts like a barbed wire
Record player
I pull up on you every day
Fast forward
I move and I swings forward

Exit load
Put your brain in right mode
Selected mix

The man with perfected fix has lightly bite me
Copy zimmer. cops' handblocks
You can't knocks some out there

I've been lifting,shifting, persisting
Intelligent kingpin
Keep the strategy
As I roll with prodigy

With diesel power
Blows your mind drastically, fantastically
Blows your mind drastically, fantastically
Blows your mind drastically, fantastically
Blows your mind drastically, fanta...

Mono 706
Robot sonic

Blows your mind drastically, fantastically
Blows your mind drastically, fantastically
Blows your mind drastically, fantastically
Blows your mind drastically, fantastically

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