Big L

Songtext Devil's son from lifestylez Big L


Devil's son from lifestylez

Ayo Showbiz, I had this bugged out dream last night that I
was the Devil's son, B, I was doing some ill shit...

"When I was 12, I went to hell for snuffing Jesus" (Repeat 3x)
"I'm waving automatic guns at nuns"

L's a rebel, on a higher level, go get a shovel
Cause I'm the only son of the motherfucking devil
It's a fact I'm living foul, black
Niggas should have known I was sick from the shit I did a while back
Cause being bad I couldn't stop
When I was in pre-school, I beat a kid to death with a wooden block
Faggot niggas I was back slapping
I realized that every time I got mad something bad happened
A nigga hit me with a can of beer, then he ran in fear
Later they found him hanging from a chandelier
Enemies I be bucking quick
My moms know who I am because she know who she was fucking with
On my skull the 666, no tricks
When I catch fits, my mom picks up the crucifix
And I kill chumps for the cheapest price
I'm rolling with Satan, not Jesus Christ
Enemies I got several done
Big L straight from hell, the motherfucking Devil's Son

"When I was 12, I went to hell for snuffing Jesus" (Repeat 3x)
"I'm waving automatic guns at nuns"

It's Big L and I'm all about taking funds
I'm a stone villian known for killing and raping nuns
Ayo I even kill handicapped and crippled bitches
Look at my scalp real close and you'll see triple sixes
There's no doubt I'm all about a dollar
I just signed a lifetime contract with the funeral parlor
This kid that owed me dough, I didn't take his life
Instead I tied him up and made him watch me rape his wife
One nigga cold tried to diss me and that shit is risky
The nigga took a swung but he missed me
So I popped off mad chunks not junk
I spit in his motherfucking face and then walked off
Once a hottie shot me with a shottie
I died but then I came back to life in another body
The way I'm living is dead wrong
I'm a devil from Hell without the tail or the red horns
Killing is fun, I'm #1 with a gun
Front and get done, cause you can't run from the Devil's Son

"When I was 12, I went to hell for snuffing Jesus" (Repeat 3x)
"I'm waving automatic guns at nuns"

The Big L is strictly gunplay
I run through church and pistol-whip the priest every Sunday
Once I put out the crazy order
I sent niggas to kill Tone, his mom, and his baby daughter
I'm living up to my extortion image
I be stalking Lennox, catching more bodies than abortion clinics
A kid tried to take L out
Shot me with a tech, I just laughed and spit the shell out
Next I took his gun then he dropped to his knees
With ease I made him freeze, he begged me please not to squeeze
But I ain't the type to bust, I just sniped a bus
Gunclap *bang* Another nigga bites the dust
Shorts I'm taking none
Misbehave and get sent to the grave by the Devil's Son

Word, Big L the motherfucking Devil's Son is definitely in effect
Giving a shout out to all the murderers, thieves, armed robbers
Serial killers, phychos, lunatics, crackheads, mental patients
Mental retards, and a special shoutout to all the niggas with AIDS, peace

"When I was 12, I went to hell for snuffing Jesus" (Repeat 3x)
"I'm waving automatic guns at nuns"

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