Mercyful Fate

Songtext Dead again Mercyful Fate


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Dead again

Why do I keep on doing this? It's not for me anymore
I'm doing this more for you than I
And on that lonely road to nowhere
I lost myself to something else
I don't know where I'm going or where I've been
It's so hard to remember all the things I am, am I?
It feels like the end is near, catching up with me
Catch me if you can, cause I'm going down into the ground
How much longer can I keep going on?
I can feel my lost ones coming down
Sooner than later, I'll see you all again
I feel my purpose here slipping away
I see the sun, but it's raining
I hope I'm on my way to better things
And if I'm not, it doesn't really matter
Cause I am doing this more for you than I am me
I can no longer pretend, that my life is worth living
I... I would rather die, be dead again
Hold on
Now here it comes, death for one, a lonely son
Up then down, I'm spinning around
My sould is so confused again
Am I floating towards the sun?
Hold on, am I dead on?
Solo: Shermann
Through a tunnel of black, why?
Why do I feel so sad?
I've been waiting for the end of act 9 to come
The curtain must fall, the end of a song
Solo: Wead
But the song goes on and on
The light is so very strong
I'm drifting along, I have no will
I'm drifting still
In a room without walls... I feel the chill
No one is here to pick me up
Nothingess... what a mess... oh
Is anybody there?
Is anybody there? I'm talking to you, do you hear me?
If I could only see through the wall of nothingness
The wall of black
They gave me number 9, this is not like the last time
Number 9
This time I am really losing my mind
I hear an orchestra... I see an orchestra
I greet an orchestra... I meet an orchestra
I'm in an orchestra... I am an orchestra
I kill this orchestra... I kill me? No
No don't stop, oh please don't stop
Hey stay here, what's going on?... hey wait for me
Solo: Shermann-Wead
I'm running but I can't keep up
Then I realize my feet are gone
This is such a weird weird song
The orchestra is now a door
One is one and two is four, I can see three more
Seven doors, seven doors
I must choose one before they're gone
But I cannot move, oh they are drifting away now
But I cannot move, oh they are drifting away now
I've got to reach that door, the number 6
I've got to reach that door, the number 6
The number 6-6, the number 6-6-6
The number 6-6-6
The number 6-6-6, that's my door
Wuauuu... look at all the colours
There goes an orchestra, no more doors
Close the window, here they come
I hear another end of this song
But again the song goes on
Dead again, I know cause I've been here before
I'm dead agin, if I could only reach that door
The number 6-6-6, the number 6-6-6
I'm beginning to miss you again
Why can't I just get you out of my mind...
I must forget
Dead again, I know cause I've been here before
I'm dead again, if I could only reach that door
Through a purple mist the light is fading
I guess I'll have to stay dead
A little longer this time
Dead again...

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Mercyful Fate are a Danish heavy metal band from Copenhagen. Initially active from 1981 to 1985, they reunited in 1992. They are cited as major influences by many artists in the black metal, thrash metal, power metal, and progressive metal genres.

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