Rodney Crowell

Songtext Dancin' circles round the sun Rodney Crowell


Dancin' circles round the sun

Disregard what don't concern you, don't let disappointment turn you
Avoid adopting other people's views
Know what you can and can't control, don't let envy take a toll
It's nothing more than weather passing through
When your back's against the wall, when you're headed for a fall
The tables set to make a run dancin' circles round the sun

Through action wisdom is revealed and too much talk is like a shield
In silence lies the keys to how we grow
When focused on the truth at hand, the critics try to make you bland
But they don't understand what they don't know
Make your own cracks in the sky, grit your teeth and learn to fly
And when the right thing has been done, you'll be dancin' circles round the sun

Forgive the ones who meant to harm you, don't let superstition charm you
Conform your wishes only to what's real
Your reputation doesn't matter, let idle gossip chirp and chatter
No one else can tell you how you feel
In between the masks you wear, wash your face and comb your hair
You're not hurting anyone dancin' circles round the sun

Your mind cries out to God alone, please send me someone I can own
Your soul says son you're walking on thin ice
Possession in the broadest sense, compounded by coincidence
When all it takes is one roll of the dice
In between the good and bad, think of all the fun you had
It's the same for everyone dancin' circles round the sun

Evolution comes in fits, it stops and starts, it coughs and spits
Picasso and Mile Davis come to mind
True artists, bold unbridled passion, no concern for fad or fashion
Sexy beasts in love with woman kind
Bend the rules until it breaks, stand your ground until it shakes
That's the way to get things done dancin' circles round the sun

Hey, sod convention let's have fun dancin' circles round the sun

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Rodney Crowell (born August 7, 1950) is a Grammy Award-winning musician, known primarily for his work as a singer and songwriter in country music.

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