Kodak Black

Songtext Corrlinks and jpay Kodak Black


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Corrlinks and jpay

Ear Dummers
Sniper gang
Mike WiLL Made-It

I'm like a fiend, know what I mean? I need everythin'
No homie, this ain't lean, I'm drinkin' lemonade
I ain't talkin' blinds but I'm blowin' Mary Jane
You would think I'm blind 'cause I be rockin' heavy shades
I gotta keep the fire, try me, gotta let it rain
'Cause I be walkin' round with a big scary chain
On when I'm posted up, I'm sellin' candy cane
Before I made my move, I had to let it marinate
I beat the pot with the spoon and watch the dope locker
I drop the 5 in the Duce like I'm Hurt Locker
Don't make me run up in your gig 'cause I'm a show stopper
I got 99 bands, I ain't got no problems
Ayy, repeat what you just say, you don't want no problems
I'm patient, when she give me head, I call her dome doctor
I keep a pep in my step like I'm pimp walkin'
I run up in your home like I'm a Macaulay Culkin
I got lil shawty, on that reefer now she Kodak boppin'
When I jump up in that bitch, I be thot hoppin'
All this Perc' in the lean got me sleep walkin'
I'm booted up, Molly Jolly, I don't need coffee
I'm tryna blow the fuck up, those crackers lock me down
They got me on the seventh floor, I'm tryna hit the groud
I'm tryna touch the promised land, you need to let me down
I put my trust in that bitch, that hoe let me down

Corrlinks and JPay
Corrlinks and JPay
Corrlinks and JPay
Corrlinks and JPay
Corrlinks and JPay

For all my niggas waitin' on some pictures through the Corrlink I know your people ain't keep it real like they supposed to be
Go send your niggas some money through JPay so he can eat
That nigga used to look out for you when he was on the streets
I just hit my cousin one today, do it like e-mail
I know that feelin' that you feelin' and I love you, fam
Just like a peanut, butter, jelly, my nigga in a jam
Them fuckin' niggas eatin' zoon zoons and waaa waa
And your girl got a new nigga but she gon' leave when you release
Feel like everybody shakin', they be loyal for a week
That boy a Jimmy totin Black you a profit, nigga
Come here, spit that real shit that be like God sent you

Corrlinks and JPay
Corrlinks and JPay
Corrlinks and JPay
Corrlinks and JPay
Corrlinks and JPay

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