Ali Vegas

Songtext Confused Ali Vegas


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[Verse 1: Ali Vegas]
I was forced to live it
Other cats was brought up in it
Surrounded by drug spots, cemeteries, abortion clinics
I watch my older strong arms grow soft and timid
Until he got caught he sentenced and now he forced to been with
Up north's the sentence, I found a team to score and win with
And until this day we haven't lost a scrimmage
We floss a minute, we always know where to draw the limit
See the rich cop expensive shit to get the poor offended
My whole click related, until we situated
Seen five out the top ten that made it
Ballon'll get inflated due to diamonds and karats
The finest and fairest designed to blind the mind of a savage
Luckily I was raised by the Adriatic
That taught me how to keep my lyrics flaming crazy rapid
And still maintain an 80 average
Since Vegas was in a baby carriage
I always knew I would never sick of that train and care shit
I want to make the same impact that cocaine and crack did
What can I say I guess my moms raised me backwards
The streets ain't never offered me shit but a waiting casket
If I run I'm scared, but if I stay I'm dead

[Hook: Ali Vegas]
I'm confused
Sometimes I feel like I can't lose
Come back down to reality and tap the concrete with my shoes
I'm confused
Sometimes I feel like I can't lose
And my people keep telling me "Dog, get a grip"

[Verse 2: Ali Vegas]
We all awaiting Christ, others got money awaiting dice
Me, I had to stick with the stage and mic
My mother told me them toes that you step on today might be connected to that ass you kiss later in life
So I'ma take it like...
Throwing dice in great cracks, spending nights in state slacks
Life's a payback
I say life is a gift
They say with ever thing comes a price and a risk
Sleep was always nice with his fist and I was twice nice with the fifth
Eyes you to swift, I always wondered why the wise didn't rip
And why politicians always replace their lies with a myth
My mother always handled family ties with a twist
So I perfected my why's and my if's
So many try but they miss
When I die and I'm stiff, I want my music to be recognized more than this
I put a lot of thought in this since the days of being sent to the stores with lists
I decided rather poor or rich, Crisco is the closet I'm gone come to pouring Cris
And my rap lines is never bordemness
Just close your eyes and pick a side of the bone, I guess I got the shorter end

[Hook: Ali Vegas]
I'm confused
Sometimes I feel like I can't lose
Come back down to reality and tap the concrete with my shoes
I'm confused
Sometimes I feel like I can't lose
And my people keep telling me "Dog, get a grip"

[Verse 3: Ali Vegas]
Ayo it's hard to live where them losers crack jokes on retarded kids
And disrespectful kids get barred from the crib
Other cats stacking O's, dodging feds
God forbid I do something on earth that'll scar my kids
Lord knows my father did, starting fights in the bar with Mike
You get beat bloody with rods and pipes, just because you scar they knights
My squad will strike if the odds is right
Hundred killers with cars and bikes, hopped out on me and my moms one night
We had to flee in the lightning and rain
Now I see why Sleep smoke tress to ease and lighten the pain
As long as ideas keep enlightening the brain, and I keep writing them flames
Then I'ma be aiight in this game
Forget fighting with dames, keep it tight and my cypha won't change
Even if some judge try enditing the game
Most of y'all swift with the hands, but light in the aim

Yo I'm confused son...

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Ali Vegas is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Heir to the Throne and ALU.

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