Franz Nicolay

Songtext Confessions of an ineffective casanova Franz Nicolay


Confessions of an ineffective casanova

She yelled "Fuck you Franz" out the back of an ambulance
But she whispered "I'd still fuck you" the next time we danced
I took the chance
I don't think that I was wrong

She broke my nose, and I bled on her night gown
She took pictures
We did it with the dirty silks still on
Do you think anything was wrong?

Sometimes I ain't quite right,
It ain't the same as being wrong.
I could say that I still love her,
But what do I know about love except love songs?
All I know is what I once saw in a girl or two, and what they once thought about me.
What they once thought about me.

She said "I'll cut you if you don't come see me.
Or, if you prefer, I'll cut you if you do come see me"
Do you see what I mean?
Do you see what I mean?

"Well, I'll see you in Texas
If you're lucky, Cowboy.
How about New Orleans?"
Well I got chased out by the blood
To be, I'll be in Baltimore by fall
Maybe I don't know anything at all
I don't know anything at all

Sometimes I ain't quite right,
It ain't the same as being wrong.
I could say that I still love her,
But what do I know about love except love songs?
All I know is what I once saw in a girl or two, and what they once thought about me.
What they once thought about me.

There was a poet from outside San Diego
A Politician's daughter
A Soviet punk with one gold tooth
A Gypsy, Grandma bought her
A white Ukrainian squeeze box player
One half-Mexican Ballet dancer
A music Journalist, or two
Two Korean Preacher's daughters
A cartoonist with a thing for knives
An activist
And someone's wife
And out of these, I'm trying to build a life
Out of these, I'm trying to build a life

I know things don't mean I'm painting me in the best light
But, I'd rather come off honest than come off right
I do like people
I want them to know that...and to be known
But I can only say that from behind a microphone
I want to try and explain why I do the things I do
And I won't pretend not to be the other we've constructed here
I want you to understand why I do the things I do
Because up here in these hot lights, its just between us two

Sometimes I ain't quite right,
It ain't the same as being wrong.
I could say that I still love her,
But what do I know about love except love songs?
All I know is what I once saw in a girl or two, and what they once thought about me.
What they once thought about me.

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Franz Nicolay is a performer. They are a member of The Hold Steady.

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