
Songtext Conciencia Aventura


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Intro: Dios mio tu que estas en los cielos, santificado sea tu nombre, ayudame en este momento de desesperacion, me encuentro mal escucho una voz que me tiene vuelto loco.

Verse1: Yo me levante pensando en ti mujer, mi conciencia me tiene confundido, no se ni que aser escuche una voz que me grita no sea tan sensitivo, me dice que compasias una flor, que cambie mi estilo por mi bien, que esta cansado de vivir dentro de mi ven como sufro por mujeres como tu.

CHORUS: Mi conciencia me domina,una voz a mi me dice que tu eres infiel, Y esa voz tambien me dise que mi vida es aburrida y que cambie mi forma de ser.

Verse 2: Im your concience ??? believe me when i say it, you need to have some fun party everyday, you girl dont love you, she's only frontin u too soft,your not the only one she's bumpin...AY BENDITO im feelin kinda sorry SIKE living inside of you is so God damn boring (stop im stronger than you,im not gonna listen to you, dont do this, i can do this,cmon, ughh) change your style, turn buckwild, dont turn back,dont look down, la vida es una toomtoomtoombula, yo romeo you gotta wil' out.

CHORUS: Mi conciencia me domina, una voz a mi me dice que tu eres infiel, Y esa voz tambien me dise que mi vida es aburrida y que cambie mi forma de ser y en mi mente pasan cosas,muchas cosas media loca, mi conciencia me va enloqueser, yo no se quien es culpable si yo por tanto amarte estoy a punto de aserle caso sin querer.

Verse3: Guess who's back, conciencia once again and please remember what i said go grab a shorty, if ur lonely, forget your girl and get naughty, dont forget the hypnotiq you gotta get some liquor and some sex in your body- OoOoOOoOoOOoOim a bad boy, listen to me ..Damn ay vuelve la voz (shits drivin me crazy, Getaway from me , Get away) now this might be the last time that i try to help you out, its sad to be inside of you and see how you get clowned (yo se que te vuelvo loco pero eso es para que no te cojan de tonto, some women are shady, think twice before you give your heart to a lady

CHORUS: Mi conciencia me domina, una voz a mi me dice que tuu eres infiel, Y esa voz tambien me dise que mi vida es aburrida y que cambie mi forma de ser..

i just wanna be able to go to sleep, and wake up like a normal person you know, and not hear that voice,( i aint going no where) its really really annoying,(im part of you) its very annoying( im trying to help you).........Aventura, Let me find out

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Aventura are an internationally popular four-piece Bachata group from the Bronx in New York City. Bachata is a form of Dominican folk music, dominated by arpeggiated guitar melodies, that is popular in dance halls in Latin parts of Europe and the Americas. Unfortunately, Aventura are banned from performing in the Dominican Republic itself after an incident there in 2006 when bass guitarist Max Santos danced inappropriately with a minor who had climbed on-stage. Still, they retain their popularity in the US, as well as Spain, Italy, and other Latin countries. Their biggest success so far was the 2002 single "Obsesion", which came from the album We Broke The Rules. In November 2007 the group released their third live album, Kings of Bachata: Sold Out at Madison Square Garden.

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