
Songtext Compton nut Crips


Compton nut

Blue rag on my head and a dark blue coat
K-C to the front, 4-5 on my nuts
There's a blue Bird on my shoulder, should I kill it?
(Yeah you should!)
Never said it's all good, come to see the world in my hood
It's a fact the young nigga is a Compton nut
I fuck with L.A. bitches, you fuck with Compton sluts
The A.K. - is a muthafuckin' shame but I use the 4-5
Cause it's Compton gangbang Baby Gangsta
Equal Crip - equal Piru Killa
Never did give a fuck about the die-'Ru, nigga
A lotta shit to do because I'm hopin' I don't catch a case
I'm in it past my knees I'm in this shit up to my fuckin' waist
They swoll into to my face
And my mama said that I should to give it up
But fuck her I'm a Comtpon nut
They callin' a truce but since a nigga wanna trip
I break up the meetin' and tell him nigga it's still Crip

The Compton nut
This Compton Crip
Nigga just killin' 'RusNigga feel me
Nigga come fuck with me
I'm a Slob life taker

They tellin' me to dress purple and keep my Crip in low-key
Long as you wearin' your Crip face, they know you a B-G
But I committs a ride on this Slob for some'
But if I'm wearing off this shit I could be trippin' for nuthin'
Straight puttin' Slob kill there
Next thing you know is I'ma talk on a fuckin' tale
As a young-ass rider
A Baby Gangsta Kelly Park straight-ass hoo-rider
So get your money for team, we got K's
With 47 ways, we can stand up and get for days
Hit the corner where I must to see three Slobs
Step up through him sayin': what's up ?hula?
??? they head dead shirt ???
Y'all know what happened cause I ???
If you smell anything that stink it's me cause I'm the shit
And this is Compton, bitch

The Compton nut
This Compton Crip
Nigga just killin' 'Rus
A B-G Compton nut
I'm a Slob life taker

I feel like bustin' a cap in the face of a Slob fool
Now seen a Crip from the giddy up ??
Another Kelly at the scene of a crime spree
Now I'm gettin' paid so I murder muthafuckas for free
It's like you gotta see dead to play your card
Smoke any young Snoop and National Guard
Grab the strap - grab the beanie
Worm through dark Slobs K-K-K see me
East Side KELLY PARK neighborhood nigga
ATLANTIC DRIVE's up the way so the mafia's bigger
WARD LANE got to get, you don't hear me though
SOUTH SIDE break it down to the syllable
SPOOK TOWNS ?in the next room?
ACACIA BLOCK steady givin' niggas the blues
The WEST SIDE is no good
Steady puttin' in work on the 'Nellas mark
Got to kill a Slob every single day of the month
SIX HOOD and DUCKY HOODS gotta have fun
While the SWAMPS put in work on 1-5-1
Tic toc - another Slob drop

The Compton nut - this Compton Crip
Nigga just killin' 'Rus
The Compton nut - this Compton Crip
I'm a Slob life taker
A B-G Compton nut
And I'm just killin' 'Rus...

Hey K's up Cuz!
First of all
I wanna sent this muthafucka out to all my muthafuckin' O.B.G. homeboys
My nigga D Locc, K-Tone, Oak, Skeet, Spud, C-J
My muthafuckin' nigga from Atlantic Drive: Scarface and G-Bone

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Crips is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Nationwide Rip Ridaz, Betrayed: Can't Trust Nobody, Bangin' on Wax: The Best of the Crips and Left Side 1.

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