Hilltop Hoods

Songtext Common streets Hilltop Hoods


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Common streets

It's all the same,
Regardless of your rep and your name
Rappers walking in the rain,
Tryna state there claim
I can take the weight they just....
Take the backpain
There's much to gained with the money and fame
(It's like that)
I feel the power when i hear it in the streets
(It's like that)
It used to be about the lyrics and beats
(Behind that)
From tomorrow until comercialism
And now it's built as a prison
For us to walk common streets

Now if flesh is weak
My passion is my shield
And my strength is my speech
In which i'll make men yeild
'cause in the field of expertize
Man you rappers flex with ease
Using hip-hop as gimmicks in which to gain sex with these...

With a joint or a bottle...
And a picturing posing crew
The only thing i ever learned is
"I can only trust a chosen few"
I got respect for my crew
And love for my home
Never claimed the crown or throne from the use of microphone

(Just let me rideeee)
Or all you critics claiming minor skies
"Better trade in ya faget"
As you look into my eyes
And my sumizeee'll be the day that hip-hop dies
Or at least until the day the mass of boys ????

With every ?? on your faith
Companies supporting any and every
Breathe or laugh i take
Makes me gag in nauzia
Its jsut the asthma....
It's chokin' me, vocally
Provokin' me to live with frustation with words but locally
'cause globally im fucked, if you ever notice me
So I cling to what I got and rock the spot with chromozee...
'cause sometimes...
The people just don't wanna let go
Now put that mic down before you get crushed like Thredbo

But hold it now....
Who said were walking common streets?
You jsut keep rollin' them beats hip-hop cost all a ??
Some lost there creativy and our sense of ?? humble,
Ali threw in the gloves so now im rumblin' in the jungle

Don't you worry 'cause them punks will fall off figures
Times i wrote these shackle (dadadada)
You lost that love i feel ??????, and crackles
And only time he's able to heal the wounds
That was open ??? truth ???? community you food basket
Hipicrits, contradicting shit, every bit of it
I've heard more to save the gas ?????? illiterate
I jsut hung my head in my hands and kept, workin' on the beats
But now were workin for the lands, maybe one day common streets

It's all the same,
Regardless of your rep and your name
Rappers walking in the rain,
Tryna state there claim
I can take the weight they just....
Hate the backpain
There's much to gained with the money and fame
(It's like that)
I feel the power when i hear it in the streets
(It's like that)
It used to be about the lyrics and beats
(Behind that)
From tomorrow until comercialism
And now this spirits a prison
For us to walk common streets

It's all the same
Common streets
Can you feel it?
Can you feel the vibe?
Seem's im in a dream as im walk through the southside
Can you feel it?
Can you feel the vibe?
'cause it looks like we leavin' to the people walkin' by
Can you feel it?
Can you feel the vibe?
'cause it looks like we leavin' to the people walkin' by

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The Hilltop Hoods are an ARIA Award winning Australian hip hop group originating from Adelaide, South Australia. Their members are MCs Suffa (Matt Lambert) MC Pressure (Daniel Smith) DJ Debris (Barry Francis) and formerly DJ Next. They have been at the centre of the Australian hip hop scene for the better part of two decades, originally forming back in 1991 and releasing their first EP in 1997. Since then they have released 5 studio albums, 2 DVDs and a "restrung" version of their 2006 album The Hard Road. They released their fifth studio album, State of the Art on June 12, 2009. Their song Chase That Feeling came no. 3 in the Triple J Hottest 100 2009.

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